
28 February 2014

Feature & Follow #4: The One I've Been Waiting For!

The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee’s View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it’ll allow us to show off more new blogs!

Change the plot. If you could, what book would you change the ending or a plot thread? Go ahead and do it... Change it.

  I'm not the biggest fan of Twilight. The first three books were eh. Just eh for me. But Breaking Dawn was a mess. I would revamp the entire last book of the series. No Renesmee (who names their kid that, anyway?!) and no creepy infant imprint. No anti-climatic non-battle. I wanted to see blood, guts, and death. The movie, even though it was a cop-out and not real, delivered that for me. Mostly though, I'd do away with Renesmee. I've always hated that whole part of the story. Hate me for it, but she was creepy.

Case in point; this picture.

Nope, nope, nope. 

Alright, you've listened to me rant. Hit me up with yours in the comments!


  1. Hopping through. Yeah, I'd get rid of the baby. The whole thing was weird.
    My FF

    1. I agree. I just don't know why she thought that'd be a good idea! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Totally agree I am not a fan either fist bump! :)
    My FFF
    Rimsha@Ramblings of a Bookworm

    1. I never understood the appeal, and the Breaking Dawn just sealed the deal! Thanks for stopping by. (:

  3. Ugh. Renesmee. Everything was terrible about that baby, starting with its name. I was also not a fan of Jacob turning into a borderline pedo over her. Hahaha.

    New follower, btw. Hi! :)

    1. I'm so glad people agree! I thought the Jacob imprint part was the creepiest. Like no, Stephenie Meyer. You cannot justify this. Just sit down.

      Thanks for following!

  4. Hahahaha!! Oh I love that picture! It totally captures the creepiness that is Jacob and Renesmee or however that's spelled. Yeah, seeing a LOT of this today and while I did read the books, I no longer enjoy them, kind of stopped when I saw the second movie when I wanted to burst out laughing during a "sad" moment. Can't remember what the moment was but I knew then that I was totally done.

    But yes, there were so many things wrong with book 4 of that series. I agree with everything everyone is saying today!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I know, right?! Whenever I googled Renesmee creepy, that popped up on the first page. I was like, yep. That's my entire post. Hahaha. The movies were cringy. The last one was tolerable because of the fight scene, but I just didn't get into it. I laughed way too much at the sad moments in that one too, though.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. So agreed. I was totally Team Jake while reading the books and I felt like this was just a excuse to explain while Bella felt connected with Jake but not romantically. It felt like she was trying to shut up the Team Jake shippers. It was weird and not cool! I would change a lot about Breaking Dawn. I'm seeing this a lot today and I totally agree.

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my FF!

    1. Preach! I feel like she tried too hard to tie everything up with a pretty ribbon to not disappoint all the shippers. But it had the opposite effect for me! Thanks for stopping by, Cassi!

  6. Great pick! Totally agree.The whole Renesmee thing was just creepy and then to add in the whole Jacob factor made it really uncomfortable.
    My FF

    New GFC follower

    1. Me too! It made it really creepy, really fast! Thanks for stopping by, Jess!

  7. I agree. I put up with the first three books. But BD creeped the heck out of me in so many ways!

    Our co-blogger did a hilarious scene rewrite for Twilight in our FF

    1. I'm definitely going over to read the rewrite! One of my friends asked me to rewrite BD because she thought no one could do a better job of Meyer. After I gave her a rewrite of the honeymoon (without the creepy pregnancy), she was suddenly cured of her TwiHard-ness (not even a word, don't even care) and joined the real world!
