
29 April 2014

Book Tour: Blood's Voice by Aine P. Massie

Blood’s Voice 
(A House Millar book #1) 
by Áine P Massie

Genre: New Adult/Paranormal Romance 

Publisher: CHBB 
Release Date: Mar 15 2014
Anya Millar had no memory of her life or an instruction manual on how to navigate the insane world of humans, biting, and reality. Instead, Anya has had to learn to navigate the world of love, life, and sanity while avoiding those that would see her dead or enslaved.

This is the ongoing journey of Anya and Nicholas, human loving vampires and the human they love, Declán. What makes it all more complicated is that they are abominations in their own world and Declán is a natural born vampire hunter called a Guardian.

Anya must come to terms with who she is and her missing past, Nicholas must win back the object of his eternal love while dealing with new cravings in his silent heart, and Declán must learn to destroy the very creatures that he has unequivocally given his heart and blood.

  This book gives off a distinct vibe of Twilight. To some, that could be viewed as a good thing. But to those who know me and my reading preferences, it made this book a bit less enjoyable than I would have hoped for. Blood's Voice definitely has its unique parts to it, but the plot seemed very much like something I had read before. 

  The author's writing is different than what I'm used to. It took me a bit to get into the book, but once I adjusted to the style of writing I got into the story. With the copy that I was given for review, there were still quite a lot of errors that a solid editing could polish over and fix.

  The characters to me seemed to lack a personalized identity. The formal dialogue seemed to fit well with my idea of some the characters, but not so well with others. Still, I did enjoy the romance aspect of this book. It kept me intrigued. 

  After getting over the hurdle at the beginning of the book, I found the pacing to be very good. The story developed a natural flow, and I found myself able to read it easily. If you're a Twilight fan, you'll love this book.

**I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. My thanks to Áine P Massie and RBTL.

 Áine P Massie is originally from Florida, she now lives in Wisconsin where she works on her House Millar series full time while raising four children (the term herding cats comes to mind). Her major in College was Childhood Education (specializing in ages zero to five) with a minor study in Deaf Culture/ASL. She is also a Wiccan priestess dedicated to the gods, family, and love.

Áine is a proud member of the Rom-Critters, the Romance Writers of America®, Celtic Hearts Romance Writers, and Rainbow Romance Writers. Áine has always had a particular fascination with vampires, mythology, and the unusual. When she can escape from her children and books, she enjoys . . . oh yes, reading, playing, ritual, a good cappuccino, and working with her healing stones.

Her first published work came in high school where she was part of a writing and drama group. However, she has been reading the likes of Shakespeare and Poe since late elementary school and enjoys most forms of fiction.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous cover art, I loved your review! I've not heard of this book before reading this post but I'm certainly wanting to read it now!

    Katrina @ Chased By My Imagination
