
20 April 2014

Less Tours, More Me (And You!)

  Whenever I first started blogging, I didn't realize all of the cool things you could do. Memes, what? Blog tours, what? Giveaways, WHERE? It was like I had just been given the key to this really magical place with tons of stuff to discover. A few months later, and I'm still discovering stuff.

  One of the first things that intrigued me were blog tours. I live in a tiny town, so in person book tours were completely foreign to me. But now you're telling me that I can get authors to come by my blog on a tour? SIGN ME UP. And that's what I did. 

  I've loved being a part of blog tours. They have introduced me to authors and books that I wouldn't have noticed before. I've connected with a lot of great bloggers and authors through them, but I may have been was over eager with signing up for blog tours. Every book that I thought was mildly interesting, I signed up for the tour. At first, I didn't notice anything different. Lately though, I have so many tours on my schedule that I feel like my blog doesn't even belong to me. That's a problem.

  It's at no fault of blog tour companies. It's my own fault for signing up for so many. So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to slack off a lot on blog tours. If I see a book that I absolutely love, I'll sign up. If it's an author I love, I'll sign up. Anything else? Pass. I'm going to try to keep it down to one blog tour per week, if that. I want to spend more time reviewing books that I'm excited for. I want to devote more of my blog to bookish discussions. I want to spend more time interacting with my readers and other bloggers. I don't want to have a blog that's already scheduled for me with a mass of blog tours.

  It goes without saying that any blog tours I've signed up for, I'll be keeping my commitment and posting. But by May, you'll be seeing a lot less tours and a lot more me. Forgive me for such a rambling post. I'm still learning. I think I always will be. If you have any advice on how to handle considering which blog tours to sign up for, I'm all ears. Hit up the comments.


  1. I have this problem as well! I have only been blogging for about 2 1/2 months now, and as soon as I heard about blog tours, and realized that I could actually be accepted right away, I was sold! I definitely went overboard, though. While I have not had trouble keeping up with what I signed up for, it's ALL I'm reading right now, instead of reading all the new releases I've picked up from the library or bought for myself. I've already determined I need to put a stop to this as well. So, come June it should be a lot slower for me as well, and I am looking forward to it! It's good to know I'm not the only one with this issue!

    Beneath the Jacket Reviews

    1. We are definitely in the same boat, Tiffany! The realization that I was only reading blog tour books is what got me. I bought Dorothy Must Die the day that it released, and I still haven't read it. It breaks my heart a bit because I was so looking forward to it. It's making reading and blogging less fun. So I've got to put a stop to it! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Well said. I like to use blog tours and cover reveals to kind of fill times where I may not have anything to post, I like the once a week idea! Good luck and happy reading :)

    1. Thanks, Emily! I'm going to have to start going more along the lines of what you do. Thank you for stopping by!

  3. I have so many coming up in May that I feel like I don't have time to read the books I really want. I am really trying to back off to only things I want to read and make sure if I do a tour, it is a book I am totally interesting!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

    1. That's exactly what I'm trying to do, Missie. I miss being able to just randomly pick a book to start reading that gets my attention. Right now I have a schedule, and it takes a lot of the fun out of reading. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I decided to do this as well a couple of weeks ago. One day, I logged in, viewed my blog and realized: Where am I on all this. Plus, my growing TBR pile is calling me. The blog tours snatched me away from them

    1. Same here! I hate buying books and not being able to read them because I'm too busy digging through blog tour books. Thank you for stopping by. :)

  5. its so easily done signing up to tours, im a bit more picky now when it comes to it! :)

    em xx

    1. I'm going to have to be picky, too! It's the only way. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. I can't imagine the kind of time and effort it takes to participate in, and keep up with, so many blog tours. I personally haven't taken part in any to date, even for writers I know through the blogosphere. Some writers have reported that their sales weren't really impacted much by blog tours, though others have had more success.

  7. I haven't ventured into book tours, but I did something similar with reading challenges. One challenge led to like 20, and I found myself reading books that I didn't particularly want to read, just to fulfill a challenge requirement. I've also had to have a little chat with myself, and I just made the decision to cut out reading challenges all together, for now.

    Just found your blog through a comment you left on someone else's blog, and now following :)
    Finley Jayne

  8. I agree...last July I discovered read to review sections on groups, memes and blog tours and I went a bit wild. When I sat back in Nov to take stock I saw that I rarely had time for book reviews because of all these committments! I've had to scale back this year and try to do more stuff that people might read-my days, my reviews, my rants etc not just promotions for authors and tours all the time. Now I've got a better balance though I still run short of time to get everything posted!
