
14 April 2014

Review: Fifty Years in Polygamy: Big Secrets and Little White Lies by Kristyn Decker

50 Years in Polygamy: Big Secrets and Little White Lies
by Kristyn Decker
Genre: Memoir

Kristyn Decker, the daughter of a polygamist prophet, reveals a rare, uncensored, firsthand account of the inner workings of a Utah-based polygamist sect whose members today include high-profile reality television stars.

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  I'm not going to lie. I've had a hard time coming up with this review. It's so hard to review something so personal. The author of this book clearly isn't an author by day, but her realness is what makes this book so raw. She is able to deliver her story in only a way that she can.

  There were times that I was in tears during this book. I cannot imagine the things that the author had to live survive through. The TV shows (I won't mention names, but I'm sure you've heard of them) never talk about this side of their lifestyle and faith. And why would they whenever the story they're telling now is what's selling? It's refreshing to see a glimpse into the other side of this debated issue. I think we as a society still have a lot to learn. Fifty Years in Polygamy helped me learn. And for that, I want to thank Kristyn Decker. What she did by confronting her past and telling her story was brave. 

  Don't take it as bad that I didn't give this book five stars hearts. It was a hard book for me to read, and I wanted to reflect that in my rating and review. It's so difficult to read about someone's abuse and pain in fiction. Whenever you read about it in a memoir, it becomes so much worse. If you're a fan of memoirs about a troubled past, then this one will be a good read for you.

**I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. My thanks to the author and NetGalley.

1 comment:

  1. I've read some other books on women in polygamist marriages, especially the ones forced into it at a young age, and they are tough reads. But good for them for putting the truth out there.
