
28 May 2014

#ArmchairBEA2014 Expanding Blogging Horizons: Pretty Little Indies

Design by Nina of Nina Reads
  Honestly, today's topic has been the hardest for me to write about. I don't see myself getting into vlogging or podcasts. I just recently heard about Booktube. And I'm certainly not a published author. The one thing I am good at that helped expand my blog? Finding indie and small press authors that I adore.

  Before I signed up for Goodreads, I didn't know there were self-published authors. I didn't have a Kindle. It was big publishers and their printed books for me. Once I joined the rest of the world and got a Kindle, it was like Alice and the rabbit hole. How did I not know about this stuff?! I still remember the very first indie book that I read. It was Writing on the Wall by Tracey Ward. I wasn't even a zombie fan. It was free, and I liked the cover. But ever since that book, I've had an insatiable need to discover more incredible authors who self publish or publish with a small press.

  In an effort to showcase some of my favorite Indie authors and their books, I decided to start a weekly feature called Pretty Little Indies. It's been going for three weeks now, and I love it! I'm already booking authors for the month of July. It's crazy!

  In almost all Pretty Little Indies posts, I do an interview with the author. I love picking their brains and learning little snippets about them and their books! If I have time, I try to include a review or a link to previous reviews. And of course, I always try for giveaways. There's no better exposure for an author than putting their book in the hands of readers.

  Even though Pretty Little Indies is still new, I've grown to love it and the authors I've connected with through it! Have any of your read a great indie read lately? Tell me about it in the comments!


  1. Love the idea of your feature! I agree - I am not into vlogging or podcasting. I admire people who do it though - I guess I'm not much into any media other than text/print media. I'd rather do features or keep changing my web design!

    1. We are totally in the same both, Athira! I don't have the patience for doing videos-- the recording, editing, uploading. None of it appeals to me! I'm glad for the ones that do, though.

  2. I am sure the Indie authors really appreciate the time you give them, so a great path to be taking.

    1. I love my Indies. Anything I can do to help them is worth it to me! :)

  3. This is such a great feature and a wonderful way to highlight indie authors.

    Sharon - Obsession with Books

  4. Some of my favorite books are Indie authors. If you read YA, check out Breeana Puttroff's Dusk Gate Chronicles series. It is amazing, and I am not just saying that because I beta read the last one. It really is awesome.

    Lisa @Just Another Rabid Reader

    1. Thank you so much for the recommendation! I love finding new Indie authors. Yay! I'm heading to GR to look it up!

  5. I love that you support Indie writers. It is far more difficult for them to find an audience beyond their immediate family. They usually don't have a budget to help get the word out there. Awesome stuff.

    1. Too true. There are so many great Indie writers and stories out. I hate to think of them being passed over just because they don't have a big publisher behind them. It isn't much, but I like to do what I can to help!

  6. I love your idea of Pretty Little Indies. We, authors, love a great author interview. We also like character interviews. As an author, I like it when book bloggers have unique ways of interviewing me, featuring me or my books. It can get old writing the same old thing over and over again.

    1. I love doing author interviews. I have a few questions that I ask everyone, but I love to personalize the interview. It's reassuring to hear that authors love the interviews just as much. :)

  7. What a fun feature! I will keep my eye out for it!

  8. It's so nice that you are highlighting indie authors.


  9. Great idea with the Indies Kristen. I absolutely ADORE Tracey Ward ( she is super friendly too). I think you expanded you horizons by having this blog designed as well. You and lost in literature are the reason I went with Livia for my blog design :-) I will definetly be checking out the author you feature.
    Brittany @ Please Feed the Bookworm

    1. OMG I love Tracey! She really is the sweetest ever. And her books are so epicly amazing. Ahh! I'm so glad you used Livia. I loved what she did with my blog. And yours is so beautiful, too! :) Thanks for stopping by, Britt!

  10. What a great feature! I have really enjoyed some indie authors I have come across since blogging. I think it is great to give them a special feature on your blog!

    1. Thank you, Cici. They don't get nearly the attention that they deserve, so I'm happy to help any way that I can.

      Kristen @ Pretty Little Pages

  11. Vlogging can be so tedious. I don't blame you. So happy you found Indie authors! They can be amazing.

    1. Me, too! I love what they do. I just can't believe it took me this long to discover them.

  12. Great new feature, always a good way to expand your blog

  13. I think it's a great feature. I like that you are spotlighting the less popular and known books, because they also deserve the attention :)


  14. That's so awesome! I wish I read more indie, but I feel too pulled into the publishing houses. I also work at a children's library and there's not as many great indies out there for kids that I've found. Some hidden gems I have found though, I probably need to look a little harder. Glad you're enjoying them!

    1. If you dig, you can definitely find some hidden gems. Though, I can't speak on children's Indie authors. I mainly read YA and the occasional NA. :)

  15. I actually got started blogging because of an author who published with a small press and has since gone indie when her publisher no longer existed. I love that you are featuring the ones that stand out to you because I know it can be hard to find good indie books among the plethora of stuff thrown out there these days.

    1. That's so great! Yes, there are SO many out there. I wish I could feature more than I do, but I'll just go with what I'm doing now and keep mentioning my favorites whenever I can!
