
12 May 2014

Pretty Little Indies: Chess Desalls

  My love for Indie and Small Press goes pretty deep. If I have a choice, I'd rather be reading books from those authors rather than the bigger publishers. There are so many hidden gems just waiting to be discovered. I love that moment whenever you've realized that you've found one of those gems and you can't wait to share it with the rest of the world! In honor of that, I'm starting a weekly feature here on Pretty Little Pages. Every Monday, I'll be hosting an Indie or Small Press author here for the Pretty Little Indies feature.. The post may be an interview, guest post, review, and/or a giveaway! I hope everyone enjoys discovering all of these authors with me!

  For my very first Pretty Little Indie post, I have Chess Desalls with me! Her debut novel, Travel Glasses, just released on May 7th! How exciting! She was kind enough to allow me to pick her brain, and I'm excited to share her book and thoughts with you!

Travel Glasses
(The Call to Search Everywhen #1)
by Chess Desalls

Genres: Young Adult, SciFi, Romance

When an ethereal being knocks Calla to the ground
near her family’s lakeside cottage, Valcas helps her
to escape by traveling to another place and time. At first, Calla is as intrigued by the otherworldly Valcas as she is by his method of time travel: an altered pair of sunglasses that enable the wearer to search for anyone or anywhere in the past, present or future. That is until she suspects that his search for her was no mere coincidence.
With her trust broken, Calla sets off on her own, taking the Travel Glasses with her. Torn between searching for her estranged father and reuniting with the rest of her family, she tracks down the inventor of the Travel Glasses in hopes of discovering more about Valcas’ past and motivations. With Valcas hot on her trail, Calla hopes to find what she’s looking for before he catches up.
1. Describe Travel Glasses in one word.
Searching [adj.]

2. If you could choose any TV show to promote your book on, which would you choose?
I would choose The Simpsons because I would like to see what my parody name and book title would be in the Simpsons’ world. Then, Lisa Simpson (my favorite) could read the book on her Mapple devices.

3. Which chapter of Travel Glasses was your favorite to write?
Chapter 34, The Reprimand. My beta readers call this “the library scene.”

4. What advice would you give to aspiring authors?
Invite friends who have similar passions for reading and writing to meet weekly to discuss potential story ideas and share your writings. Keep writing and getting feedback. Also, consider gifting your early writings to friends and family members. Books and stories make great gifts. Imagine how much more meaningful the story would be if it was written by you. :o)

5. Choose one character from Travel Glasses that you get to have dinner with. Who and why?
I would choose Edgar. I could learn a lot from Edgar, as long as I steer clear of certain topics of conversation.

6. You can only read one book (that isn't one of yours) for the rest of your life. Which is it?
What a great question! I really had to think about this one and narrow down my choices. Before I change my mind again, I will say The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle.

7. What's your favorite fairy tale?
Thumbelina by Hans Christian Anderson

8. Lastly, what's up next for you? Any projects we should be looking out for?
Thanks for asking. :o) I have a couple of projects going on. I’m writing Book 2 of The Call to Search Everywhen which continues where Travel Glasses leaves off. The second project, Instruments of Piece, will be a collection of flash fiction stories that feature different musical instruments. The first story, The Floating Flautist, is available for free on my Goodreads page and at Flash Fiction Magazine ( I’ve been working on the second story, Trompette, which I plan to post on these sites as well.


Chocolate or Vanilla:
Chocolate. Mmm, chocolate.

Early bird or night owl:
I’m more of a midday kind of person. :o)

Coffee or tea:
Both, please!

Beach, mountains, or city?

Hardback, paperback, or ebook?
Paperback, although ebooks are taking a close second these days...

Chess Desalls recently authored the first installment of the YA time travel series, The Call to Search Everywhen. She’s a longtime reader of fantasy and sci-fi novels, particularly young adult fiction. She can’t resist a good fairy tale or fable. When she’s not writing or reading, she enjoys traveling and trying to stay in tune on her flute.

Chess has a giveaway hosted on Goodreads to celebrate the release of Travel Glasses! Hop on over to win a special print copy!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Travel Glasses by Chess Desalls

Travel Glasses

by Chess Desalls

Giveaway ends June 01, 2014.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win


  1. I love the author's answers....her personality comes out in the answers! Can't wait to read the book. I look forward to discussing it with her.

  2. This sounds really fun! Great interview!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings
