
09 June 2014

Pretty Little Indies: Cassandra Lawson

  Happy Monday, everyone! Today I'm so excited to introduce you to Cassandra Lawson and her work. Raven's Blood is a sexy paranormal romance featuring vampires in a new way that I'm so excited to tell you about! Keep scrolling for an interview with Cassandra, a review of Raven's Blood, and a giveaway!

Raven's Blood by Cassandra Lawson
(Moon Virus #1)

Genres: Paranormal Romance

Following the death of her wood nymph mother at the hands of vampires, Raven worked hard to build a life
for herself in one of the few remaining human settlements. Her life takes a frightening turn when she finds herself an unwilling guest in a vampire settlement, but things are not anything like she expected them to be. Still, she cannot help but feel that her attraction to the vampire leader is a betrayal to her mother’s memory and her human friends.

From the moment Connor first laid eyes on Raven she has thrown his entire world off-balance. In order to prove his strength as a leader, he has no choice but to take her up on her offer to trade her freedom for that of her human friends. Having begun his life as a slave, he has no interest in keeping the wood nymph captive. As a man, he has no desire to feel this overwhelming attraction to a woman who hates him and his kind.

As Raven spends more time with the vampires, her feelings for Connor grow even stronger and Connor finds that she may be the one thing he cannot live without. Unfortunately, a new danger emerges that could threaten the survival of vampires and humans alike. As Connor struggles to unravel the mystery of the attacks from a new species of vampire, a madman will go to any lengths to get Raven’s blood.

No cliffhangers. Can be read as a standalone novel.
The Good
  • Refreshing story
  • Well developed Characters
  • The Chemistry
  • The editing
The Bad
  • Nada
The Gif

  From the very first page, I was hooked on this book. With Raven's Blood, Cassandra Lawson breathes new life into the age old vampire myth. It was the perfect deviation from all of the other stories on the market right now and had no problem standing out as one of my favorite vampire reads of 2014. A layered plot that was paced so well easily kept my interest until the very end.

  Cassandra Lawson shows her finesse with the written word through this book. Her writing was very easy for me to read and appreciate. Also I'd like to note that the editor of this book did a superb job. I'm always prepared to forgive mistakes in self-published books, but there were none in Raven's Blood that I noticed. It was certainly appreciated.

  Raven was the epitome of what I like in a main character. She's a kick ass female. It isn't one of those cases where she's said to be self-sufficient but really isn't. Raven truly is, and I admired that. It made it such a much more enjoyable read to have a protagonist that I loved. She reminded me a lot of Sookie Stackhouse.

  Wow, Connor and Raven. They definitely worked for me as a couple. Their interactions seemed plausible and I found myself speeding through the story to follow their journey. There are some sex scenes in this book, but I feel like they are cohesive to the story and don't stand out like a sore thumb.

  If you're a paranormal romance fan, I cannot recommend Raven's Blood enough. It was definitely a breath of fresh air for the genre. 

**I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. My thanks to Cassandra Lawson.

1. Describe Raven's Blood in one word.

2. If you could choose any TV show to promote your book on, which would you choose?
Okay, this is kind of embarrassing. I don’t really watch television anymore. Well, I watch with my kids, but I somehow doubt that Phineas and Ferb is the right show to promote Raven’s Blood.

3. Which scene of Raven's Blood was the hardest to write?
All of the scenes with fighting were equally difficult for me. Writing dialogue is much easier than writing action. This is probably because I have pretty limited vision so I have to work hard to describe things in a way that most people see them.

4. How similar are you to Raven, the main character of Raven's Blood?
I don’t believe that I share a lot of traits with Raven. We both possess a need to nurture and care for others.

5. Choose one character from Raven's Blood that you get to have dinner with. Who and why?
I would want to have dinner with Shelby because I think her smart ass attitude would make her a lot of fun to hang out with.

6. You can only read one book (that isn't one of yours) for the rest of your life. Which is it?
This is a hard one. I’m going to have to say The Secret by Julie Garwood. It’s one of those books I read when I’m down and need the comfort of an old friend.

7. Where did the inspiration for the vampires in your story come from?
The entire concept for Raven’s Blood originated from a dream about Raven’s capture. In that dream I felt that there were two types of vampires. I had no idea what the differences were or how they happened. That actually took hours of me day dreaming and I’m not really sure how I came with the “born” and “turned” vampire concept.

8. Lastly, what's up next for you?
Any projects we should be looking out for? I am finishing up rewrites and edits for the third book in my Psy-Vamp series, Vampires Prefer Blondes. That book is releasing July 24th. In this last week, I wrote out the first bare bones draft of the sequel to Raven’s Blood which is coming out December 11, 2014. That book will be Simon’s story.


Dream Cast: Who would you pick to play Connor and Raven in a movie adaptation?
Absolutely no idea. I’m pretty sure that I wouldn’t be happy with anyone in the roles. I’m one of those annoying people who complain about the movie version of books. I think I would feel that no one matched my idea of who Raven and Connor are.

  Cassandra Lawson lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband and her two youngest children. When she is not writing, she enjoys spending time with her family, listening to music, or curling up with a good book.
Connect with Cassandra:


  1. I love this feature! I love finding awesome indies, and there are so many great ones out there :)

    Great Review!

    Michelle @ Book Briefs

    1. Thank you so much! I love doing this feature because of the Indies. There are so many good ones out there! Hope you discover a new author or book through it. :)
