
29 June 2014

We're All Mad Here

  Whenever I discovered book blogging and started Pretty Little Pages, I truly felt like Alice in Wonderland. ARCs, blog tours, Twitter parties; what?! I truly got swept away by it all. And like a lot of beginners, I abused my blogger privileges to request way too many books for review. On top of that, I had no less than ten review requests in my inbox every day. At first, I thought I had to say yes to each of them. (I'm glad I learned that, that isn't the case!)

  Now that I have a better grasp on book blogging and what I want to do with Pretty Little Pages, I've put together a schedule of sorts. Because I've been trying to catch up on reviews, most posts have been reviews lately. I hate that. Before I ramble any more (seriously, I've written and erased an entire paragraph), here's the official Pretty Little Pages posting schedule!

Sunday: Sunday Post meme. 
I haven't participated in this meme before today, but I think a weekly recap is a good idea. I'm definitely on board.

Monday: Pretty Little Indies.
I will be continuing my weekly feature that showcases Indie/small press authors and their work. This is one of my favorite parts of my blog.

Tuesday: Off day/Miscellaneous.
Tuesdays will be reserved as a catch all. If I have nothing extra, there will be no post. If I have an extra review or a book blitz or something that I can't fit into the rest of the week, it'll be posted on Tuesday.

Wednesday: New Adult Night.
I'm slowly getting more and more into the New Adult genre. Wednesdays will be reserved for reviews, promos, and discussions about the NA genre.

Thursday: Everything YA.
This is the same as Wednesday, but with YA. Reviews, promos, and discussions about the Young Adult genre will be posted on this day.

Friday: Foodie Friday and Friday Fracas.
The first Friday of each month, I'll be posting a book inspired recipe or a recipe from a book. The rest of the month, Friday is reserved for general discussions during Friday Fracas. This could be a list, a rant, or just my general ramblings.

Saturday: Dream Casts or Lazy Weekend Reviews
Because I enjoy making dream casts so much, I will be featuring them on Saturdays. If I don't have a dream cast to share, I'll be posting some quick reviews for the weekend.

Do you have a schedule that you post by? How do you keep your sanity as a book blogger?


  1. You are not alone Kristen. I think we all feel disorganized from time to time =/ I think schedules are great, if you can stick to them. But it doesn't hurt to try right =D. I just found and downloaded a free half year blogger organizer from it is a Fantastic way to organize everything. If you like you could check it out
    Good luck with your scheduling.
    Monique @Mo_Books

  2. I like how you scheduled yourself and broke it down. I totally understand the rabbit hole, when I started blogging it was a whole new magical world and I quickly had to take a step back and reevaluate my time and reading books I wanted rather than "homework"
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  3. You're definitely not alone! When I first joined NetGalley, I went CRAZY. Now I'm still making up for that jump headfirst into the unknown this summer. I wish I would have known more about this book blogging community before I created my blog. I'm still learning all about it, and I've had my blog for a year and a half.

    That's awesome that you're organizing your posts for the week! I should probably do something like that. But knowing myself, I wouldn't stick to a schedule.

    Holly @ Part of that World

  4. Great schedule! I have a summer schedule set up on my blog, though I have changed it a few times already, oops lol. It is nice to have a plan though- it makes putting posts together easier :)
