
10 July 2014

Books 'n' Bloggers Swap Reveal

Hey, y'all! I had so much fun with the Books 'n' Bloggers Swap hosted by Chaotic Goddess Swaps! I was partnered with Becca from Pivot Book Reviews. It was so much fun to find stuff for her package! And I was so blown away by what she sent me! Sneak a peak below at the goodies!

My gifts from Becca!
Books, book marks, swag, and a tote!
A book she loved: The Archived by Victoria Schwab
A book she's interested in but hasn't read: Looking for Alaska by John Green
A book from my wishlist (that she loved, too!): The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski
Isn't this amazing?! Becca made this 'cause she's crafty and amazing. And I love it! I've already been using it for my library trips.
Thanks so much, Becca! I loved everything! And thanks to Chaotic Goddess Swaps!


  1. Awesome! I participated in this swap too, it was a lot of fun. I love how Becca put such a personal touch on your gifts!

  2. Wow- well done Becca! I love that tote, and all three of those books are on my TBR list. Obviously, you and you have great taste. ;)

  3. Those were very nice! You got a super package :D
