
23 August 2014

Birthday Bash: An Open Letter to Indie Authors

Click the banner to go to the kick-off post with two huge giveaways!
  Wow! This past week has been amazing. Thank you so much to everyone who has helped me celebrate my birthday. The two giveaways will be open through the first week of September, so hop over and enter if you haven't already. I want to give a huge thank you to the authors who wrote guest posts for this event. You guys are rock stars!

Dear Indie Authors,

  I can still remember the first Indie book that I bought. It was Tracey Ward's Writing on the Wall. After holding out for years, I had finally given in and put the Kindle app on my phone to see what the fuss was about. Late at night, I was scrolling through pages of books and hoping that some would leap out to me to help me fight off insomnia. Whenever I saw Writing on the Wall, I second guessed it because zombies. I've never been a fan. But less than a day later, Tracey Ward had sold me on zombies and Indie authors. I was hooked.

  All of you are an immense inspiration. Far too many people think that traditional publishing is the only viable and legit way to be an author. How wrong they are. Every single one of you who give the middle finger to common perceptions and do it your own way are what makes me happy to be a reader and a book blogger.

  My entire life, I have struggled with anxiety and depression. Reading has always been my escape from the panic attacks and endless stream of thoughts. For a few years, depression took my passion away. I was so uninterested in reading. It was horrible. But all of the changed whenever I discovered the world of Indie authors. You guys have given me my love for reading back. You guys make me excited to sit down with my Kindle. You guys make it okay for me to spend a day in bed whenever I just need a break. You guys mean more to me than you know.

  So, thank you. Thank you for chasing your dreams. Thank you for giving me so many diverse worlds to escape to. Thank you for never giving up. Thank you for giving me characters that go against the norms and seem like real people. Thank you for giving me characters that feel like lifelong friends. Thank you for being not only an author but a friend. Thank you for sacrificing your own time to write these books. Please, don't ever stop.

Kittens and hugs,

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