
01 October 2014

Books That Need More Attention Giveaway Blog Hop

  As a huge fan of Indie books and authors, those are the books that I think will never get enough attention! To an Indie author, support and exposure are priceless! For my giveaway, I'm offering up a $10 Amazon gift card [INT], three winner's who can chose an Indie ebook up to $5.99USD [INT], and a huge Indie author swag pack [US]. If you need help with picking your next Indie read, I have a few suggestions from some of my favorites below!

Sleepless by Tracey Ward

Goodreads | Amazon

YA Romance

My Forever by Kira Adams

Goodreads | Amazon

Contemporary Romance

Impervious by Heather Letto

Goodreads | Amazon

YA Dystopian

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Amy Joy Lutchen (Author of Renhala)

  2. Sibel Hodge's mysteries. I think she's an indie.

  3. Same as Dovile, I like Joe Ducie

  4. Joe Ducie

    rafflecopter name Karin Shaim

  5. i don't have any
    but thx u for the chance ...

  6. I love the work of Amber Lynn Perry!

  7. I am a fan of Paige Weaver and Krista and Becca Ritchie. Thanks!

  8. Being on a limited budget most of my reading is indie authors. They are so generous in their pricing that it makes it a treat for a voracious reader like me to read more books. I really enjoy Donna Augustine, S.M. Reine, Lizzy Ford; these are just a very few that popped to the top of my head LOL there are so many more. Thank you for participating in this fun hop.

  9. (Alisha Sienkiel in rafflecopter)

    Jace Cameron!

  10. Honestly? I no longer know what qualifies as "indie" so I don't know...:/

  11. Elisabeth Grace. Thanks for the giveaway!
    Ann S
