
25 October 2014

#IndieFallFest: Kira Adams

I'm really excited to be kicking off Indie Fall Fest by featuring my co-host and friend, Kira Adams. Her books are some of my favorites because of their realistic and passionate edge! Don't forget to drop by the kick-off post and enter our HUGE giveaway!

Over on Kira Adams' blog, she's hosting Whitney Barbetti today! So go check that out, too!

1. Describe Pieces of Me in one word.

2. You often say how your own experiences in life inspire your books. How intimidating is it to put yourself out there like that for everyone to read about?
It’s intimidating, but so worthwhile when I hear people can relate. That’s what I want—to show real life problems and for people to feel like they could be the character I am portraying.

3. If you could be best friends with any author, who would you pick as your newest author BFF?
Probably Colleen Hoover. I follow her on Facebook and her posts are incredibly hilarious. Not only that, but she is an amazing woman. I’ve seen so many times how far she will go for her fans and it is really inspiring. She really doesn’t take anything for granted. I really admire her.

4. I was really drawn in to Peyton’s journey for self-acceptance in Pieces of Me. Did you know how her story would unfold whenever you started writing or did you just go with it?
Not really. I didn’t really outline for Pieces of Me. Just flew by the seat of my pants. And so much of myself is in Peyton, so it was rather easy. Her struggles with her extra skin—those are my real life struggles. And while she has Jace to help her accept herself, I had a hell of a time trying to find my identity again after losing 70 lbs.

5. Your day job involves working with a film company. How hard is it to transition between that form of art and entertainment back to writing?
It’s difficult but not impossible. I have three passions in life: writing, singing, and acting. I get to be around two of those passions every day. And while they both utilize different parts of my skills and brain, I’ve always been good at transitions. Before, I worked as a VP of Operations for an entertainment company so I had the chance to be around music and performers. I am thankful every day I have the jobs I do.

6. Do you have any strange writing rituals?
Not really. Although, I listen to music every second of my day OTHER than when I am writing. I have to have silence, otherwise I get too distracted.

7. What book has had the biggest impact on your life as a reader and a writer?
Oh my gosh. I used to have this book, hardback about this young girl who pursues being a musician. I probably read that book at least five times. I have no idea where it went or even who it was by. I have vague memories of it now. But it changed my life. It reminded me of my passion for singing and music. I read it when I was in high school, and have searched for it a ton, but the plot is difficult to remember. All I can remember is the way it made me FEEL—like I could do anything my heart desired.

8. What’s up next for you? Give us the deets on any upcoming releases!
Well, I am gearing up to release the second book in my Foundation series, The Fighter on October 28th! I am so excited to tell Jace’s story, especially for the people who loved Pieces of Me, but wanted to know more about his backstory. And then, before the end of the year I will be releasing my NA zombie novel, Into the Darkness which centers on a group of people who are just trying to maneuver through the chaos the world has become. It has a kickass female lead, Phoenix. I normally don’t write about tough female characters, but I am so excited to tell her story!

Pieces of Me by Kira Adams
(Foundation #1)

Genres: Young Adult, Contemporary Romance

Free on Amazon 10/25 & 10/26!
For sixteen year old Peyton Lane, life has never been
easy. She’s not popular, overweight, and oh yeah, her
sister is embarrassed of her. But over the course of a tumultuous year, everything changes for Peyton. Suddenly all eyes are on her and it’s not because she’s fat. From a pair of handsome twins to a couple of dangerously sexy rockers, Peyton will have to find out who she can trust with her heart. From the ups and downs to the twists and turns — this is Peyton’s story of finding one’s voice and growing into your own.
 Holy cow, y'all. Kira Adams has blown me away with Pieces of Me. I loved everything about this book. It's so real. There was an almost instantaneous connection between Peyton and myself. She struggles with so much, and I identified with her. I saw myself in Peyton. It was so easy to cheer her on and follow her story because of this.

  There are sprinklings of romance all over this book. The way that it finally comes together in the end left me with a ridiculous grin on my face. Like I said, I was totally team Peyton. My heart ached with hers, but I loved the way that Kira told her story. The romance is perfect and it's so fitting for this story. It was sweet at times and hard at times. Just like real life.

  I've been a fan of Kira Adams for awhile, but Pieces of Me took that to a whole new level. I'm so glad that she decided to tell the story of Peyton. And I cannot wait to follow Peyton's story with the rest of this series!

**I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review with no compensation.

Phoebe Tonkin as Peyton Lane
Matt Lanter as Jace & Jax Austin
Douglas Booth as Colton Lee
Michael Trevino as Noah Leaderman
Deborah Ann Woll as Madison Thereaux
Raven Simone as Brooklyn Jones
Shailene Woodley as Harper Michaels
Crystal Reid as Kayleigh Lane

Krista Pakseresht has always been a dreamer. From the first time she opened her eyes. Creating worlds through words is one thing she is truly talented at. She specializes in Young adult/New adult romance, horror, action, fantasy, and non-fiction under the pen name Kira Adams.

She is the author of the Infinite Love series, the Foundation series, the Darkness Falls series, and the Looking Glass series.

[Goodreads | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Wattpad]

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