
17 November 2014

#IndieFallFest: Lauryn April

Today I want to welcome the wonderful Lauryn April to Indie Fall Fest!
Don't forget to drop by the kick-off post and enter our huge giveaway!

On Kira Adams' blog today, she's hosting Shay West!

by T.C. McKee
1.What are you currently working on? 
Currently I’m stepping away from my usual YA PNR to write something with college age characters. I’m working on a trilogy involving vampires that I’m really excited about.

2. How many books have you written? What's out now and where can we get it? Grabby fingers.
Currently I have three books out. Into the Deep, it’s sequel Hidden Beneath, and my most recent A Different Kind. They can all be found on Amazon, B&N, and Kobo. You can find all the buy links on my blog

3. What's your latest book about?
All of the books I have out now are YA Paranormal Romances, but my most recent, A Different Kind, has a bit of a scifi twist as well. ADK is about a popular cheerleader who’s abducted by aliens.

4. If you could have lunch with one of your characters, which one would it be and why? 
Probably Payton from A Different Kind. On the surface she isn’t the most likeable person. She’s kind of the queen bee at her school and she knows it. But dig a little deeper and she’s an incredibly loyal friend.

5. Would you make him or her pay, or would you take care of the bill? I think it's a valid question.
I feel like I’d be responsible for paying since I created her, but she’d probably have the cash to cover the bill if I asked.

6. When did you discover that you were a writer, and it was time to write a book?
I feel like I’ve been a writer for as long as I can remember. I’ve always been writing something. Once I got to the point where I wasn’t just writing short stories, but longer ones as well then I realized that I could finish a novel. It’s not easy to write a story that long, but soon I had Into the Deep written and that’s when I knew I had to do something with this. I wanted to not just be a writer, but an author.

7. If you could have a super power, what would it be? Again. Valid question. Super power preferences can tell you a lot about a person. My husband has always wanted a be a fire truck. Clearly, he knows nothing about super powers. I married him out of sympathy. It works. 
I think I’d really enjoy being able to listen in on people’s thoughts, like my character Ivy in Into the Deep, but I’d have to be able to turn it off. If there’s no off switch, no deal. Otherwise, flying would be cool too.

8. What's your favorite part about being a writer, besides the pajamas? 
It’s a good excuse for the amount of coffee I drink. Lol. Really though, I just love being able to create something. I make people and worlds and when I get a book done it’s a truly amazing feeling.

9. What is your favorite book in the world?
This is a hard question. I love so many. Lately I’ve been obsessed with Jennifer Armentrout’s Lux series, and I loved the Hunger Games, but if I have to pick one I think there’s something about Wuthering Heights that I will always love. There’s this angsty tension between Catherine and Heathcliff, and the way they want to be together, but their own actions are constantly pushing them apart is tragic and beautiful at the same time. I’m a sucker for a love story, but what I love most about that book is that it’s so tragic.

10. What's your favorite social media site and why? 
Probably Facebook, I just feel like it’s the easiest one to reach my readers with and to catch up on what the people I follow are doing.

11. Can we have all your follow links so we can stalk you legitimately?

My Blog:

Celebrity Dream Cast for A Different Kind
by Lauryn April
Every author daydreams at some point or another about who the perfect actors would be to play the parts of their characters in a movie. Often we do this even before we’ve finished writing the book, searching for images to use as inspiration for the creating of our characters. And, for my recent novel, A Different Kind, I have to admit I’ve done the same.

A Different Kind is told through Payton Carlson’s point of view. Payton is blond, beautiful, and appears to have everything she could ever want. But, her world is turned upside down when she’s abducted by aliens and left with only the faintest memory of the encounter. I think if A Different Kind were to ever hit the big screen that Amber Heard would do an amazing job of showing the scary and confusing journey she goes on, which ultimately ends up changing her in every way.

amber heard photo: Amber Heard GIF 20 d26058f1.gif

Another important character in A Different Kind is Logan Reed, Payton’s neighbor and social outcast. Logan is a quiet guy with a big secret, and despite revolving in completely opposite social circles Payton and Logan are brought together by the mystery surrounding Payton’s missing memories. Personally I think Logan Lerman would play a perfect Logan Reed, and be able to show the sensitive side of his character as well as his strength.

Logan Lerman photo:  anigif012.gif

Now, if you've read the book I know you're asking "what about Jo!" Everyone seems to love her, and I do too. She’s Payton’s best friend and the kindest person in the entire book. In my mind I picture her as Victoria Justice.

Victoria Justice photo: Victoria Justice tumblr_m90x81ZPiM1r4xyclo1_500_zpsfad877b6.gif

There you have it. Those are my pics for the three main characters in A Different Kind. To see more images that helped with my creative process in writing this book check out my Pinterest inspiration board. And to find out more about A Different Kind check out it’s Goodreads page here

Lauryn has always been fascinated by the paranormal, picking up a healthy Stephen King habit by the age of thirteen. Her favorite TV show growing up was "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", and she's always preferred bands like The Rolling Stones, and The Doors over whatever it is they're playing on the radio now (However she admits "I Love It" by Icona Pop always puts her in a good mood).

Lauryn has been writing since she was a teenager. In the early years of her career she filled notebooks full of stories sharing them with friends. In college she spent time writing for her school newspaper. Then, when she was nineteen she published her first work, a poem in her school literary magazine. When she wasn't writing, Lauryn was studying Psychology and Philosophy and recently graduated with BA in Psychology. She continues to write YA and NA paranormal stories, and reads everything in sight.

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