
05 November 2014

#IndieFallFest: Ruth Silver

Another day, another #IndieFallFest post! I'm so excited to be featuring Ruth Silver today!
Don't forget to drop by the kick-off post and enter the huge giveaway!

On Kira Adams' blog, she's featuring Amy Bartelloni today!

1. Describe Orenda in one word.

2. Dead Girl Walking was the first book of yours that I read. (And it was amazing!) Where did the inspiration for it come from?
I loved the show Dead Like Me that was on Showtime about a decade ago. I haven’t read anything since with Grim Reapers and I thought it would be fun to write something unique and appealing to all ages.

3. How much influence do you think reading fan fiction had on your writing?
I’m not sure reading fan fiction had a lot of influence on my writing, however writing fan fiction certainly has made an impact. It gave me a platform in my early years of writing and to not feel so anxious about receiving constructive criticism.

4. You’re a seasoned veteran of the Indie author world. What’s your advice to those aspiring authors out there?
Write, write, write. Then, don’t be afraid to share your writing with others. The hardest thing for writers is to handle criticism. We often take what we write personally, it’s art to us. You have to be able to separate your feelings from your novel once it’s out there. Otherwise that negative criticism will eat away at you.

5. Could you ever imagine not being an author?
I could imagine not being an author, but I couldn’t imagine not being a writer. I have to write, but I don’t always share everything I write with the world.

6. Dog-eared pages or bookmarks?
Definitely bookmarks

7. I have to ask. All of your book covers are gorgeous. Do you make them yourself?
The paperback covers I’ve chosen all the images from different stock photography websites, but Erica Crouch vamped them up a bit and chose the fonts.

8. You have so many great titles out! What’s next for you? Any upcoming book releases?
Right now I’m working on Forget Me Not (Royal Reaper 2) and Elfinland (Orenda 2). It’ll be a little while until either are ready for publication, but they’re my current projects.

Ruth Silver is the best-selling author of Aberrant. The Young Adult/New Adult Romantic Dystopian Adventure, Aberrant is the first in a trilogy, released April 17th, 2013. Silver first began writing poetry as a teenager and reading heaps of fan fiction in her free time. She attended Northern Illinois University in 2001 and graduated with a Bachelor’s in Communication. While in college she spent much of her free time writing with friends she met online and penning her first novel, Deuces are Wild, which she self-published in 2004. Her favorite class was Creative Writing senior year where she often handed in assignments longer than the professor required because she loved to write and always wanted to finish her stories. Her love of writing, led her on an adventure in 2007 to Melbourne, Australia. Silver enjoys reading YA/NA novels and sharing her favorite books with other readers. She also enjoys photography, traveling and of most of all writing.

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