
01 December 2014

Bookish Holiday Gift Guide: The Fault in Our Stars

Happy Holidays, y'all!

I've decided to feature some fun holiday gift guides for the bookish crowd on the blog over the next few days! Today's edition is for fans of The Fault in Our Stars by John Green!

What wardrobe wouldn't be complete without Hazel's iconic shirt? Purchase here!

How perfect is this case? It sums up my feelings on TFiOS perfectly. Purchase here!

These earrings speak to my heart, y'all. They're already on my wishlist! Purchase here!

I love, love, LOVE this mug! It's my favorite quote from the book. Purchase here!

For me, this is the ultimate TFiOS gift. Purchase here!

What about you guys? Did I miss something TFiOS inspired that's on your wishlist?

Check back on Wednesday for the Harry Potter gift guide!


  1. I haven't read TFiOS yet, but these are all sweet and adorable gifts!

    1. You must read it! It'll cause an emotional upheaval, but I love it all the same!
