
05 February 2015

To Gif or Not to Gif

  Okay. Today I want to chat about gifs! I absolutely love using them. Whenever I really love (or even hate) a book, instead of doing a proper review I'd rather just gush and use lots of gifs. Sometimes I think the gifs get across my excitement way more than a wall of text can!

  But! I know some people hate gifs or just don't use them. One big reason I hear is because it slows down your page loading time. (Does it really make that much of a difference?) So! I want to know what you guys think about gifs. Are you fluent in gifs or do you cringe when you see them?


  1. I don't like using absolutely tons of them in the one post, but yes, I freaking love gifs! I know as book bloggers our written reviews are important, but I like to emphasize a strong response, or lots of sark, with a good gif. I love them. They're often pop culture based, they're funny, and they often convey my emotion much better than my mere words can. Long live the gif! Lol R x

  2. I think gods are like th salt and pepper of my reviews. They don't really need to be there but they just add a lik but of something extra. Plus they are fun! My personal blog I ise them always but I have a aiter blog that we don't (for fear and legal recourse) which kinda makes me crazy cuase I seem to always find the perfect one ad then realize ops can't use it. I know there are lots of legalities with that but I don't think I follow them.* Insert jail break gif here*

    1. Salt and pepper is the perfect way to put it, Britt!

    2. i just read my post I swear Kris I know how to spell!! lol

    3. LOL! I have faith in your spelling, Britt!

  3. I'm all for gifs! Love them! Not tons, but a handful per post is great :)

  4. I personally don't use a lot, only because it takes so long for me to find the PERFECT ones to use. But I love seeing them in posts, especially discussion posts :)

    1. I spend more time than I'm willing to admit on gif hunts... Hah.

  5. I've never used gifs before. Mostly because I'm lazy but also because I like looking at them but probably not using them. Does that make sense?

  6. I LOVE gifs. If I was better at finding them, I'd use them all the time. Here's why: I'm human, and humans are visual creatures. After 4-5 lines of text our eyes jump around and our absorption of the material we're reading declines (this is the crap you learn when you're in Marketing). So having something visual to get the point across, especially visual and silly (or relatable, and recognizable) really helps lighten my mood and convey your feelings in a new dimension.

    1. Ahhh! I love this explanation. Thanks for my daily nugget of knowledge, Beth!

  7. I almost never use gifs in my posts although I wish I used more! Whenever I'm writing a review, it's just so tedious for me to go find the perfect gif! I'm working on it though! As for gifs in other people's posts, I'm all for it! If I don't particularly want to read the entire thing, I'll just skim the gifs and get the gist of the post! Plus a lot of them are so funny!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

  8. I love gifs! I use them sometimes. I don't notice them slowing down my computer unless there's a TON, like on those Buzzfeed posts with 10,000 cat gifs inside hahah.

  9. I don't mind when people use them on their blogs. I personally don't use many on mine. I feel like I can more correctly articulate what I want to say through words rather than gifs, but i'm not averse to using them every now and then! :)

    1. They can be too much of a good thing, so every now and then is a solid choice!

  10. I love GIFS, i hate using too many in one blog post - but they make the post look so much better!

    Benish | Feminist Reflections

  11. I don't mind GIFS. I think they're fun to see and help convey emotion. Where do you usually find GIFs at? I don't know how to make them and have looked online to find ones already made but haven't really found many that I like.

    1. I usually find them on Tumblr! But I have quite a few of my favorites saved to my computer, too.

  12. I don't mind GIFs, but I don't really use them, mostly because I am too lazy to go look for them. I'm also not sure about the copyright issues (if any) and I've recently seen a few posts about being careful with images from the internet

    Emily @ Follow the Yellow Book Road

    1. I always have a little bit of that fear, but I try to always link back to the source. Sometimes I can't if it's one's I've saved to my PC.

  13. I like GIFs if they are moderate used and serve a purpose. I don't like it when a review is only based on GIFs, because I want to READ how you felt about a book. But I certainly think they add something extra :)

    1. I agree! The visual aspect definitely helps enhance a review!
