
17 March 2015

Blitz + #Giveaway: Travel Glasses by @ChessDesalls

Title: Travel Glasses
Series: The Call to Search Everywhen
Author: Chess Desalls
Publication Date: May 7, 2014
Calla Winston’s mobile devices sit in a corner of her room,
covered in dust. Weeks ago, she shared photos and
laughs with her best online friend. Now, after having felt the sting of betrayal, she prefers being hidden and friendless. She equates privacy with security and technology with pain.

Then she meets Valcas, an otherworldly time traveler who traverses time and space with a pair of altered sunglasses. When an ethereal being knocks Calla to the ground near her family’s lakeside cottage, Valcas uses the Travel Glasses to help her escape. He offers his further protection in exchange for a promise. Intrigued by Valcas and the possibility of time travel, Calla accepts. That is until she learns that his search for her was no mere coincidence.

Calla sets off on her own, taking the Travel Glasses with her. Torn between searching for her estranged father and reuniting with the rest of her family, she tracks down the inventor of the Travel Glasses in hopes of discovering more about Valcas’ past and motivations. The Travel Glasses take Calla’s mistrust of technology to all new levels. But without them, she’ll never make it back home. With Valcas hot on her trail, Calla hopes to find what she’s looking for before he catches up.
  I waited until Valcas left the shelter before layering strips of gauze over my tights where my bloody knees poked through. Even if I were to reach the rowboat, there was no way I’d be able to find my way back home. Maybe some other living being was camping either outside or in another sod hut. I taped down the strips of gauze. Maybe the bright white light was out there too.
  I pulled back the canvas sheet that covered the doorway. My eyes adjusted to darkness broken by stars and moonlight. If Valcas thought I was going to quietly stay inside the sod hut all night, he was not only wrong but crazy. I held my breath as I stepped outside. Valcas would be well camouflaged in the dark. Tripping over him was the last thing I needed. I didn’t step on any arms or faces, so I picked up my pace.
  I felt along the hillside as I walked, hoping that someone else had thought to carve out a shelter like the one I’d escaped. There wasn’t a single tree above or around me. I was partially grateful for this because I needed all of the light of the open sky to see where I was going. After nearly a quarter of an hour of wandering, I found that the terrain was rocky with sloping hillsides and sandy beaches.
  Nobody was there to fill in the nothingness. I had no idea where I was or how to reach out to anyone who could help me. The irony of my situation crushed me like a frozen grape. I covered my face with my hands as I sank to the ground. I was finally away from anyone—disconnected from everyone—who could hurt me. I was finally alone. And I needed help.

Hi! I recently authored the first two installments of the YA time travel serial series, The Call to Search Everywhen. I'm a longtime reader of fantasy and sci-fi novels, particularly classics and young adult fiction. There's nothing quite like a good fairy tale or fable. When I'm not writing I enjoy traveling, reading and trying to stay in tune on my flute. 

Author Links: 

This tour was organized by Good Tales Book Tours. 


  1. Thank you so much for hosting Chess today my friend.

    Love your blog so much. It's wicked lovely. :)

    Laurie Starkey
    Good Tales Book Tours

  2. Thanks so much for hosting me today, Kristen! I was so excited to see you'd signed up for the tour.

    Travel Glasses is YA fantasy filled with metafiction and other literary twistiness. For updates on future giveaways and new releases, please sign up for my newsletter (!


  3. The cover is just STUNNING, hoping to read this one soon<3 Thank you for putting it under my radar.
    Benish | Feminist Reflections
