
22 March 2015

Page to Screen I'd Like to See

Hey, y'all! I love seeing my favorite books become movies. I know I'm not the only one!
But so many of my favorites haven't been made into a movie. Tragic, I know!
So today I'm sharing my top five choices for the big screen!

Step aside, Katniss! Fran's here! This book would make such an amazing dystopian movie. The world it's set in is so imaginative. I think it would transfer beautifully to the screen. And Fran is exactly the type of heroine that would shine and captivate audiences!

This book, y'all. This book could be an award winning movie. It would be powerful, amazing, and uniting. It's such a strong book that evoked so many emotions from me. I can only imagine how it would make me feel as a movie and seeing it on screen.

3. Everything Leads to You by Nina LaCour
This book absolutely made my year. It's the book that started my love of Nina's work. It's a beautiful story, and I'd love to see it play out on screen. Emi and Ava already seem so real to me. I need this movie in my life!

Forget The Walking Dead. The Survival Series would be the ultimate zombie series for television or the big screen. The characters are so amazing. I'd love to see them fighting zombies and falling in love again!

I know this is my second mention of Nina LaCour, but my love for her books goes deep. The way she writes is so beautiful and descriptive that I feel like I've already seen The Disenchantments as a movie. If this book was made into a movie, there's no way it wouldn't be a huge hit!

Alright, y'all. That's my list. Hate it? Love it?
Tell me your picks in the comments!


  1. I agree with your choices! The Cure for Dreaming would be a perfect movie, since it deals with feminism and I think we need more of this topic in the cinemas!

  2. I also think that The Cure for Dreaming would be a great movie but somehow I think The Disenchantments by Nina LaCour would be better.

    1. I would cry if The Disenchantments was made into a movie. I love that book so much!

  3. I think The cure for dreaming would be AMAZING on the screen. Also a very powerful message.

  4. I would love to see The Survival Series! Even just a tv show would be awesome.

  5. I've read The Cure for Dreaming and agree that it would be super cool to see on the screen :) The combination of the historical setting and the fantasy aspect is awesome.

    1. Yes! I hope someone sees all of these comments and picks it up. Hah.

  6. I would love to see the Lunar Chronicles as movies!

    1. I bet those would be fun! I still need to read those. For shame, I know! :)

  7. Yes - both of the Nina Lacour books would be great as movies!!!

    Kate @ Ex Libris

    1. YES!! Her books are so amazing. They'd do so well. Why haven't they been optioned yet?!

  8. I have not read any of these books, but now I will definitely check them out, especially the first one because I LOVE dystopian! I would love to see The Daughter of Smoke and Bones made into a movie because I think seeing the chimera would be amazing.

    1. I hope you check out Impervious! It's one of my favorite dystopians! Seriously amazing!
