
01 May 2015

Books 'n Bloggers Swap Reveal

Hey, y'all!

I'm so excited to have participated in another Chaotic Goddess Swap! I was paired with Jennifer from Innerworkings of the Female Mind! She is my blogging BFF, and I was so happy we were paired up!

Here are my amazing goodies from her:
(And a pre-order 'cause she totally rocks my socks and spoiled me!)

Thanks so much, Jenn! You are the bestest!


  1. So cute! She picked some great things. What was the preorder?

    Mandy's Books and Beauty

    1. Hello, Goodbye, and Everything In Between by Jennifer E. Smith! It's one of my most anticipated books this year! :)

  2. Oh, I haven't heard of The Cellar. Cool! That's a great mix of book genres. I love that she included Mad Libs (I didn't even know they still made those!). And yay EOS. :D
