
26 May 2014

#ArmchairBEA2014: Introductions!

Design by Nina of Nina Reads
  Hello, hello! As this is my very first Armchair BEA, I'm going to graciously ask for your patience while I learn how this all works, dear readers! I had considered going to BEA in person this year, but I decided against it. I'm already regretting that decision. Next year, BEA is mine!

To kick off the festivities, the participants have been asked to bore entertain you with a quick introductions post. Let's do this!

1. Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging? Where in the world are you blogging from?
Look at that snazzy phone case.
I'm Kristen, and I've been blogging here on Pretty Little Pages since January of this year! I live in a tiny town in East Tennessee known for being the home of the first impeached president. Though, I actually live on the outskirts of the county. I'm lucky enough to call the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains home. I began blogging because I love to ramble and blabber about books. I mean, who doesn't?!

2. Describe your blog in just one sentence. Then, list your social details -- Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. -- so we can connect more online.
A tiny corner of the net devoted to fangirling about (mostly) Young Adult books and collecting cat whiskers!
Twitter: @Spockella | Instagram: @Spockella | Facebook | Goodreads

Yep, that's an actual whisker from Abi. Told you so.
3. What book would you love to see as a movie?
Gosh, which book don't I want to see a movie is more like it! I'd like to see the rest of The Mortal Instrument series made into movies. Obviously, there would need to be some recasting and major reworking, but I'd love to see the series continue on the big screen.

4. If you were stranded on a deserted island, what 3 books would you bring? Why? What 3 non-book items would you bring? Why?
I'm assuming that people/pets aren't allowed. (If they were, my Dad, Chris the beau, and Abi the cat would be my picks!) The three books I would chose are really simple. I'd take Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien and The Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe to pass time with. And I'd take a copy of The Boy Scouts Handbook so I wouldn't die! My three non-bookish items would be a knife, a sturdy metal pot for collecting and boiling water and cooking food, and flint and tender. I may be too practical, but damn it I want to survive!

5. What does your favorite/ideal reading space look like? (Pinterest encouraged!)
This, please.

So there's that! Curl up in your favorite armchair and join me for Armchair BEA 2014!

Schedule for #ArmchairBEA2014 on Pretty Little Pages
Monday, May 26th

Tuesday, May 27th

Wednesday, May 28th

Thursday, May 29th

Friday, May 30th

Saturday, May 31st

Don't forget to join me on Instagram for the Oh Snap! Armchair BEA Instagram Challenge


  1. fun post, Kristen - glad you've joined us armchair BEA attendees & enjoy next year in person!
    your dreamy book tent is darling - I could so luv that cozy spot too =)

    1. I definitely will enjoy it next year. Fingers crossed that my plans work out and that I go! The tent is what got my attention. It's like a blanket fort and a reading nook. The best of both worlds. :)

  2. I had to giggle when you mentioned the Boy Scout Handbook. I am actually looking at a copy on my end table right now because my son forgot to take it to his dads this weekend! My son just became a boy scout after having been in cub scouts for 5 years.

    I love the ideal reading place picture you posted. I couldn't find a good picture for what I wanted, so I had to wing it!

    Lisa @Just Another Rabid Reader

    1. Awh! Congrats to your son. I was a Girl Scout way back when. I still go into a frenzy whenever I see the tables set up outside of shops in town selling cookies. :) Such fond memories. (And not just of the cookies! Hah.)

      Pinterest was my friend for that one.

  3. Welcome to ABEA. Your blog is lovely. I agree, if I were stuck on a desert island I would take some practical books. Reading is great, but you have to survive as well!

    1. Thank you so much! And yes, my first thought was which book would save me?!

  4. The Boy Scout Handbook is most clever of you. If I am stranded on a desert island, I hope you are there.
    I adore the reading nook that you chose. Mine is similar in the way that it is all cozy like a bed.

    1. Thank you! I just really wanted to survive being on that island. :) I love cozy bed-like reading spaces. My favorite place to read is actually in bed or on my hammock!

  5. The boy scout handbook is a clever idea! I would be lost with no guidance.. I also took a knife with me, haha. That reading space looks so comfy :D Nice to meet you and I love your blog design!


    1. I just wanted to make it off of that island alive! Hah. Thank you so much! It's so nice to meet you, too!

  6. The boy scout handbook is one of the best answers I've seen. Love the reading spot as well.

    1. Everyone keeps saying that. Let's hope it means I live! :)

  7. Welcome to the ArmchairBEA. This is my first time participating as well. I want to attend the Book Expo in New York next year and sign my books with all the other authors.

    1. Thank you! I hope you get the chance to. :) Hopefully I'll see you there if you do!

  8. Welcome to Armchair BEA. It's too bad that The Mortal Instruments movie didn't do well at the box office. That's what always scares me when a book gets made into a movie. I want it to succeed, but it's never the same experience as reading the book. That's a good idea taking the boy scout's guide with you on a desert island.

    1. I knew it would happen eventually, but I hated that it happened with The Mortal Instruments. I love that series, and I really thought it would do well. But I think the script was way too choppy and the casting was terrible. Oh well! What can you do?!

  9. I love how practical you were with your island choices! I always hate that question because it is so hard to pick just 3 books!! But the Boy Scout Handbook seems like an obvious choice! :)
    Sunrise Avenue

    1. Thank you! Those questions are the time that I'm glad for my logical side. Why bring good books if I can't live to read them?! :)

  10. LOVE your chosen ideal reading space. It's so pretty!! But if I lived on the edge of the Appalachian mountains like you, I'd have to have a little window out onto the staggering beauty outdoors too!
    Suzy Turner, Fiction Dreams

    1. That's a must have! I'm really spoiled right now. Both of my reading spots (our bed and the hammock) have unobstructed views of the mountains. It's divine.

  11. I'm surprised they aren't making more Mortal Instruments movies already. I just assumed they would go all the way with the series. I love your reading nook and your island picks! I should have chosen a more practical book, perhaps. :-) Brenda @DailyMayo

    1. They threw in the towel after the first one flopped at the box office. It makes me sad, but what can you do?! It wasn't a good adaptation, so I'm almost glad that they aren't. I'd want a new director, producer, script writer, and cast if they ever did. Just new everything!

  12. That is one comfy and beautiful reading spot! I would love that to be mine as well. I still haven't seen the first Mortal Instruments, but will pick it up when the library gets it on dvd. Great island picks as well - very smart to bring the Boy Scouts handbook to survive!

    1. I hope you enjoy the TMI movie. It wasn't anything like what I thought, but I still have some hardcore love for the book series. And thank you! I'm determined to get off of that island!

      Kristen @ Pretty Little Pages

  13. Nice to "meet" you! I picked the same reading nook! Welcome to Armchair BEA.

  14. I like the list of books you're taking to the island! Great post here - hope you enjoy Armchair BEA!

  15. I like your sense of practicalities for that desert island challenge. Me, I';d just want a boat so I could the hell out of there as fast as possible (no-one said that was against the rules did they????)

    Karen (BookerTalk)
    Armchair BEA 2014 cheerleader

    1. Hah! A boat (and fuel or oars!) would be perfect. I should have thought of that.

  16. I'll take that reading nook too, please! It looks so cozy! I'd really like to see more Mortal Instruments movies, too, although you're right--it would take a lot of reworking.

    Nice to meet you and I'm so glad I discovered your blog! :D

    Alex @BooksyDaisy Reviews

    1. It definitely would. I'm content to have the TMI books for now. Everything about the movie was not what I expected and a huge let down. :(

      Nice to meet you too! Thanks for stopping by, Alex!

  17. Don't worry about missing BEA. You'll be so busy this week, you won't have time. LOL You'll get there. Love that reading area of yours. Nice to meet you.

    1. I certainly hope so! Hah. There's always next year. :) Nice to meet you, too!

  18. Fangirling! Ahh, I don't do enough fangirling on my blog, I should do more of that.

  19. New to your blog via Armchair BEA; my debut YA mystery / thriller, FERAL, releases this August with HarperTeen.

  20. Stopping by from #ArmchairBEA! Already following you on Bloglovin'.

  21. What a lovely little blog you have! I love your book nook choice too! Great to meet you, I'm a new follower.

  22. The Boys Scout Handbook would definitely have to rank high on the list! Congrats on the blog! I too have been wanting to attend BEA! Maybe next year!

    1. Yes, it would! I need to survive on that island. :) Crossing my fingers that we both get to go next year!

  23. Great choices on your three books! Esp The Boy Scouts Handbook! That would def come in handy! I still can't believe I have never been to your blog before! I recognize you from Instagram! Thankfully Armchair BEA changed that :) Love your blog and your interview, Kristen!! Also, completely agree about the TMI movies! I want more, but a different kind of more if you get what I'm saying! :)

    <3 Becca @ Pivot Book Reviews

    1. I'm so glad we both wound up finding each other's blogs through ABEA! I loooove seeing the cover puppies on Instagram, so I'm excited to see the rest of your blog. :) And I get that! Gosh. I had such high hopes for TMI. It was not what I expected or wanted. Sad panda.

  24. I completely agree with your assessment of TMI. I *need* to see it, but can we have a Clary who is actually a red head? It's really not too hard to find a ginger who is a great actress! I'm so glad I found your blog via Armchair, I'll definitely be back :)

    Jess @ Such a Novel Idea

    Our ArmchairBEA giveaway!

    1. Preach, girl! Everyone is always like YAY LILY. And I'm like huh? She's not even a redhead! Give me Holland Roden or something! Glad you stopped by through ABEA! I'm in love with your blog design! :)

  25. Loved the post and the GIFs!!! And love the pic of how you'd like your reading room to look like. :)

    1. Thank you! :) I love that it's like a combo of a reading nook and a blanket fort.
