
12 April 2015

Review: Alienated by @melissa_landers

Alienated by Melissa Landers
(Alienated #1)

Genres: Young Adult, SciFi

Two years ago, the aliens made contact. Now Cara Sweeney is going to be sharing a bathroom with one of them.

Handpicked to host the first-ever L’eihr exchange student, Cara thinks her future is set. Not only does she get a free ride to her dream college, she’ll have inside information about the mysterious L’eihrs that every journalist would kill for. Cara’s blog following is about to skyrocket.

Still, Cara isn’t sure what to think when she meets Aelyx. Humans and L’eihrs have nearly identical DNA, but cold, infuriatingly brilliant Aelyx couldn’t seem more alien. She’s certain about one thing, though: no human boy is this good-looking.

But when Cara's classmates get swept up by anti-L'eihr paranoia, Midtown High School suddenly isn't safe anymore. Threatening notes appear in Cara's locker, and a police officer has to escort her and Aelyx to class.

Cara finds support in the last person she expected. She realizes that Aelyx isn’t just her only friend; she's fallen hard for him. But Aelyx has been hiding the truth about the purpose of his exchange, and its potentially deadly consequences. Soon Cara will be in for the fight of her life—not just for herself and the boy she loves, but for the future of her planet.
   Melissa Landers is the answer to my needy SciFi prayers! I was raised on Star Trek. I would live in a planetarium if I could. Space fascinates me. But I struggle with science fiction books. They usually seem too stuffy or drawn out for me. And there aren't many SciFi novels to be found in YA anyways. But I just knew I'd love Alienated when I first saw it. The cover absolutely sold me, and oh my gosh. It kept that promise. Alienated is the YA SciFi book I've been waiting for all my life!

  Cara is such a good character. She's your typical overachiever with an extra dose of fiesty. But the arrival of Aelyx in her home as an alien exchange student turns her world upside down. Landers does such a fabulous job at showing how Cara grows over the course of this book. I was so impressed with her when I finished this book. I totally want to be her new best friend!

  Aelyx and his culture were so intriguing to me. The author was able to introduce a whole new world to me without making it an info dump. That's a feat! I was giving Aelyx a lot of side eye in the beginning, but he quickly grew on me. I think I may even like him more than Cara at this point! I'm a total L'annabe!

  Everything about this book is seriously great, y'all. The world building, the climatic ending, the characters, the science fiction elements, the romance; it's all so amazing! There was absolutely nothing that I did not like about this book. Seriously! Go pick up Alienated right now! You will NOT be disappointed!

Check back tomorrow for my review of Until Midnight, an Alienated novella, and on Tuesday for my review of Invaded, book number two in this series!


  1. Ooohhhh nice review!! This is in Mount TBR of Doom! I soooo want to read it! I've read a few shining reviews lately that had me scrambling to the bookstore. But I got a review stack that's been neglected lately and my NG ratio has gone down. So I'm working on that the next few weeks!

    Have you ever read the Roswell books? The first original series is what spawned the show because there are a handful of differences to them. I can't remember all of them now but I know Liz had a dead sister in the books where she was an only child on the show. Then later books became more show related! I know it wouldn't be the same as reading a unique sci-fi YA series but just thought I would ask! I loved the show, so I naturally ate up the books in my early teen days. Oh god, that was like 14 years ago...I'm starting to feel old! And there are SO many books I have yet to read!! ;)

    1. I've never heard of those books, but I remember that show! I'll definitely have to check those out. The only thing I remember about that show was Katherine Heigl was in it, and I loved her in Wish Upon A Star from wayyyyy back. We are old, my dear! Hah.

  2. I love this series. It's definitely in my top 5, glad you like it too.

  3. I still haven't read this yet and I feel terrible about it! I'm glad you liked it - I'll definitely have to read this next!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

    1. I hope you read it soon. It is seriously amazing! Let me know what you think about it!

  4. OOhh !! This book have been in mi TBR list for so long, and now with you review I think I´m going to start it soon, thank you!!

    ps: I miss your previous rating scale!

  5. This is one of those books I've been jumping between reading or not reading. I've read mixed reviews. Great worldbuilding is defintiely good, climactic ending, and Cara sounds like a pretty good heroine. I'll definitely consider this one now. Great review! :)

    czai @ the Blacksheep Project
