
13 April 2015

Review: Until Midnight by @melissa_landers

Until Midnight by Melissa Landers
(Alienated #1.5)

Genres: Young Adult, SciFi

Don't miss the *free* romantic holiday story that connects ALIENATED and INVADED!

Cara and Aelyx only have one day to spend together before he returns to earth and she travels to Aelyx's home planet, L'eihr. Homesick and worried about the upcoming year apart, Cara is desperate to make these final hours count. Worst of all, Cara is missing Christmas, stuck on board an alien spaceship. When Aelyx learns that Cara is forgoing her favorite holiday, he tries to recreate Christmas in space by researching traditional earth customs…but a few things get lost in translation.
  Christmas is my most favorite, so whenever I heard that there was a Christmas-y novella starring Cara and Aelyx, I was like why, I do believe I will! I just cannot get over how amazing Melissa Landers' writing is. This is the first time we get a really good look at life on L'eihr. It really made me excited to read Invaded, which is mostly set on L'eihr instead of Earth.

  I loved how Cara and Aelyx interacted in this book. It was so warm and fuzzy. I was so sad whenever it was over, but luckily I had Invaded on hand to keep reading after I finished this one. Fans of Alienated HAVE to read this! It's the perfect addition to this series. It made me love Cara and Aelyx even more!

Read my review of Alienated here and come back tomorrow for my review of Invaded!


  1. I really need to get on and read this! I loved Alienated and have been meaning to buy Invaded. Cara and Aelyx's relationship is super sweet so I'm sure I'll love Until Midnight :) Nice review!

    Zareena @ The Slanted Bookshelf

    1. If you love Cara and Aelyx, you'll love this novella! It is so sweet!
