
Beach Reads in August Giveaway Hop

Hosted by Stuck in Books
  I have to admit that I'm not the biggest beach fan around. Actually, I generally hate the beach unless it's during the colder months. I know, I know. But I've been really fortunate to read several books this summer that have been really amazing! For my giveaway, I'm offering one book from my list, winner's choice.. This giveaway is open internationally as long as The Book Depository ships to you for free.


The Legacy Blog Tour [Review | Interview]

The Legacy by Melissa Delport
(The Legacy Trilogy #1)

Genre: Dystopian

[Goodreads | Amazon | Amazon UK | Barnes & Noble | Kobo]

One man obsessed with power.

One woman prepared to sacrifice everything to stop him.

One war that changed the world.

“World War Three lasted twelve days. Twelve days was all it took for mankind to devastate the planet and almost eradicate the human race. No victor emerged from the ashes and billions lost their lives.

We survivors lived through the bleakest of winters. A primal existence became the new order, and the little that remained of our humanity hung in the balance.

Then one man stood up and changed the world. I believed, as did everyone else, that he was the hero of our time, the man who had saved us from our own demise. His name is Eric Dane and he is the President of the New United States of America.

He is also my husband, and my greatest enemy.

I grew up oblivious to the truth, until my father found me when I was nineteen years old. He told me about the many horrifying facts that our new leader kept hidden from us. And he told me that beyond the borders the Resistance grew and fought for freedom from the oppression that Eric Dane had imposed on us.

My name is Rebecca Davis. I am twenty-six years old, and in me the Resistance has found the ultimate weapon.”

A narrative of good and evil, love and passion, right and wrong – and at the centre of the story a strong woman who is prepared to sacrifice everything for the cause she believes in.

The Legacy is an action-packed, adrenalin-inducing thrill ride which will leave you riveted long after you have turned the last page.
  Dystopian is just my thing, you know? Whenever I heard of The Legacy, I just knew I would love it. And I did! It was definitely part of the dystopian crowd, but I found that it was able to stand out on its own. Even now, weeks after I've read this, I still think about it. It's very memorable and stands out against the influx of dystopians.

  The way that the characters in this book are written is so refreshing. You can just tell that Melissa Delport cares about her characters. They're so well thought out. Rebecca was a perfect heroine! You can tell that they're really well developed and the author spent a lot of time with them. But it wasn't just the characters that were detailed, the entire book was. The plot was intense and kept me on the edge of my seat.

  The way that Melissa Delport tells her story coupled with an outstanding heroine in Rebecca, I thoroughly enjoyed The Legacy. It'll be perfect for readers searching for their next dystopian fix!

**I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review with no compensation.

1. Describe The Legacy in one word.

2.. If you could choose any TV show to promote your book on, which would you choose?
The Vampire Diaries, because it has a cult following, including myself.

3. Which chapter of The Legacy was your favorite to write?
Chapter 34. I had been wanting to write this scene since the beginning of the book, but as it happens in the latter chapters, it was a long wait.

4. If you could have any other author's career as your own, whose would you choose?
James Patterson. It may seem a strange choice, given that my books are nothing like his, but I admire him because he has made a lifetime career out of writing, with much success. I don’t want to be a one-hit-wonder – I want to keep writing, to keep churning out good books and develop an author brand. I also think his work in keeping book stores “alive” is inspiring, and he donates so much to smaller bookstores that are in need of help. He also encourages children to read, and reading is knowledge – and knowledge is power.

5. Where did the inspiration for the dystopian society in The Legacy come from?
I have always been fascinated with our survival instinct and what mankind is capable of when faced with insurmountable circumstances. I love the idea of “fight” when “flight” is not an option, but even more so when we choose to fight rather than flee or surrender. When we choose to take the harder road, because it’s the right thing to do. That is ultimately what The Legacy is about – the choice to risk everything in order to bring about change.

6. Who inspired the main character, Rebecca?
My mother raised me to believe in myself and instilled in me the conviction that women are no less capable than men. We are strong and courageous and Rebecca is the epitome of that belief.

7. Do you think you'd survive in the world of The Legacy?
Probably very badly. I wouldn’t survive a day without electricity. I barely cope with the load shedding we experience here in South Africa!

8. Lastly, what's up next for you? Any projects we should be looking out for? 
The final installment of The Legacy Trilogy (The Legend) is due for release early 2015. In the meantime, I am starting work on a new fantasy series that I have high hopes for.

Wife and mother of 3, Melissa Delport is the author of The Legacy Trilogy and the stand-alone self-published e.books Rainfall and The Traveler.

She graduated from the University of South Africa with a Bachelor’s Degree in English in 2000.

At the age of twenty-four Melissa started a logistics company (Transmax) from the spare room of her flat and built it up to two fully operational depots in Durban and Johannesburg. Now, 10 years later, she has sold her business in order to write full time. Melissa lives with her husband and three children in Hillcrest, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

The Legacy (book 1 of The Legacy Trilogy) and The Legion (book 2) are available now and the final book, The Legend, will be released early 2015.

An avid reader herself, Melissa finally decided to stop ‘watching from the sidelines’ and to do what is her passion.

“I was driving home from work when inspiration struck, and a storyline started unravelling in my head. For a few days it was all I could think about and eventually I realised that the only way to get it out of my head, was to put it all down on paper. I started writing, and that was that.”


Release Blitz: In Between Seasons by Cassandra Giovanni

release button

Attractive young woman near tree trunk

Show n'ot Tell Publishing Presents:


In 2021 the world as we know it changed. The government collapsed, and the worst characteristics of human nature were shown as the world fell into ruins. Years after The Fall, the Tribes that were established are still at war. They still fight to keep what they pillaged, and most of all, they fight to keep their lies a secret. In a world filled with deception, nothing is as it seems.
I was born into this world.
Hunter Marks was molded into this world; a General— a person cold and harsh. A person meant to kill me.
We were told to just believe.
We were taught to never question.
We’re supposed to be robots, and accept our roles in this altered society.
Too bad Hunter and I don’t follow the rules.
And we’re a hell of a lot stronger than they ever thought possible.
They’ve been searching for the world’s deadliest weapon.
It’s me.
And I’m not following the leader any more.

I would have given him everything.
I would have melded every part of me into him.
My breath caught in my throat.
I already had.
Love hadn’t existed in this world. Only hate, deceit and lies, but by letting him in I’d let all of that crumble. By letting me in he’d done the same, and now we were engaged in an even deadlier game than before.
We weren’t enemies as we had been born to be.
We weren’t friends as we had come to be.
Then what were we? I let my hands run through my hair as I clasped my eyes shut even tighter.
We were cursed.

Young woman standing in dark forest

Release Special Ebook- Just $1.99 for a limited time!

Amazon - Barnes & NobleKobo - Google Play

Cassandra doesn't remember a time when she wasn't writing. In fact, the first time she was published was when she was seven years old and won a contest to be published in an American Girl Doll novel. Since then Cassandra has written more novels than she can count and put just as many in the circular bin. Her personal goal with her writing is to show the reader the character's stories through their dialogue and actions instead of just telling the reader what is happening. Besides being a writer, Cassandra is a professional photographer known for her automotive, nature and architectural shots. She is happily married to the man of her dreams and they live in the rolling hills of New England their dogs, Bubski and Kanga. Cassandra Giovanni is published by Show n’ot Tell Publishing based out of Connecticut, USA.

Cover Design: Gio Design Studios
Photography: Alex Kotlov via iStock

Review: This Summer by Katlyn Duncan

This Summer by Katlyn Duncan

Genres: Young Adult, Contemporary Romance

Before college, before responsibilities, Hadley
Beauman and best friend Lily are determined to
have a summer to remember. There will be all the usual dramas - ex-boyfriends who don't seem to know what 'ex' means, pesky younger brothers with unrequited crushes, but what Hadley didn't anticipate was the out-of-the-blue return of the seriously hot boy-next-door, Will Carson. The boy who broke her heart when he skipped town two years ago.

Will may have shot up a foot and filled out (oh yes), but inside he carries the weight of guilt - for leaving, for coming back... Now he's just passing through to tie up loose ends but it's clear the old chemistry still crackles between him and Hadley. Trouble is, it's built on two years of lies...

This summer might just be the best time of their lives, but is Hadley ready for everything to change - again?
  Sweet and fun books have really been what my summer is about this year, and This Summer totally fell into that category! It is a perfect read for the summertime. It's light and fun, and it took me back to my younger years with a dose of sweet nostalgia.

  Hadley and Will's story is one that I've read a lot in other contemporaries. But that didn't take away from it being enjoyable. I was very appreciate that the author allowed us to witness the relationship bloom instead of shoving it in our faces and brewing up insta-love.

  Fans of contemporary romances will adore this one. Like I said, it's the perfect summer read. Fans of sweet romances and light reads will flock to cheer on Hadley and Will's romance blossom.

**I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review with no compensation.


Kaleidoscope Blog Tour [Review | Giveaway]

Kaleidoscope by Kevin Berry
(Stim #2)

Genres: Contemporary, New Adult
Release Date: January 3rd, 2014

The sequel to STIM…an Aspie new adult
contemporary novel set in an earthquake zone.

Chloe is different. She has Asperger’s Syndrome, Bipolar Disorder and probably a few other inconvenient conditions as well. She’s a quirky, resourceful and clever psychology student, but her world is literally about to be shaken apart. A devastating earthquake sparks a chain of events that spiral her life out of control. She’s off her meds. Her oddly-named cat is missing. She doesn’t know what she wants out of life any more. Misfortune and uncertainty don’t mix well with bundles of energy and Chloe’s tendency to ignore consequences. It’s as if mayhem and trouble are her constant companions.

Will Chloe be able to cope with the earth-shaking events that rock her world?
  Devoured is not even the correct word for what I did to Stim (the first book in the series) and Kaleidoscope. I absolutely adored these books and characters. Diversity is such a diverse thing. That sounds redundant, but hear me out. Too often, we get caught up on race and sexual orientation as the source of our diversity. (At least, I know I do.) And we often forget that diversity encompasses so much more than that. As someone who faces down depression and anxiety every day, it's really refreshing to see books from the point of view of someone who isn't what society deems normal. I don't have autism, but I could easily relate to the character of Robert.

  But I don't want this review to seem too heavy. Kaleidoscope was filled to the brim with humor, both intentional and unintentional alike. I mean, there's a missing kitten named Sex. Yes, Sex. The references to the cat had me laughing out loud at some inappropriate times while reading.

  Chloe was a character that I wanted to know more about from the very beginning of Stim. This made Kaleidoscope an enjoyable read since it's from her point of view. The thought process of Chloe is so authentic and unfiltered. I am so pleased that Kevin Berry gives an unabashed glimpse into the mind of Chloe.

  I really loved this book. Authors like Kevin Berry are what make supporting Indie authors so easy. He has raw talent that shines through each of his works. I cannot recommend Stim and Kaleidoscope enough. Both books are hilarious and touching, and you'll be thinking of Robert and Chloe long after you finish them.

**I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review with no compensation.

Kevin Berry is an indie author. His particular niche is writing Aspie New Adult contemporary novels set in an earthquake zone. The first of these is STIM, published in October 2013.

His first novels, co-written with Diane Berry, are Dragons Away!, Growing Disenchantments and Fountain of Forever (humorous fantasy). These are available as paperbacks and ebooks at Amazon and elsewhere.


Spirits Blog Tour [Review]

~Spirits Blog Tour~

Now Available!
"Loving her was easier when I thought we were going to die."

Lark Davies sleeps in a gilded palace and eats the finest foods, but he would trade it all to change that one night. Unable to use his talent for mind-reading to prevent a series of murders, Lark's dreams are ravaged by gruesome memories. Robbed of sleep and slowly losing his sanity, the devoted lover and expectant father can only watch as his life continues to spiral out of control.

Whispers of invasion threaten what little peace their new life might have offered. Khea, the new queen of Nakbe -and his only light in the night- declares human sacrifice to be a necessary component of the island culture, forcing Lark to assert his disapproval. For the first time, the unifying bond he shares with her isn't enough to keep them together.

With his mentor at his side, Lark's only hope to stand against the queen and avert a future of death lies in his unexplored ability to manipulate physical elements of the world. The two men search out the spirits that control water, fire, and wind in hopes of ending two thousand years of violent traditions before rival nations invade. 

   Spirits is the perfect follow-up to Sparks in R.S. McCoy's young adult fantasy series. I feel like this second book picked up in an excellent spot to allow the reader to continue following Lark's story. Though, the story in Spirits deviates from the one in Sparks.

  A lot of changes come in this book. Some relationships in this book shift. Everything felt like a natural progression, though. I never once questioned if something was done just to push the plot. The sense of adventure from the characters and story still holds strong.

  Just like Sparks, I really enjoyed Spirits. It had a distinct feeling that tied me to my childhood even though it's a young adult book. It's very reminiscent of the Harry Potter series and others in that respect. Fantasy fans, even those lurking on the fringe of the genre, will be drawn to this captivating series!

**I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review with no compensation.

RS McCoy didn’t ever plan on being a writer. With a career teaching high school science, writing is the last thing she expected. But life never goes the way you think it will. While battling cancer, she picked up her laptop and let the words flow out. One year later, her first published fantasy novel has been released on Amazon and her second novel is in the works. She is a wife, mother of two, a scientist, baker, gardener, and life-long science fiction and fantasy addict.


Pretty Little Indies: Joy Penny

  I've always been a fan of the classics, so I was beyond ecstatic whenever I found A Love for the Pages by Joy Penny. Keep reading for a peek at my review, an interview with the author, and a giveaway!

A Love for the Pages by Joy Penny

Genres: New Adult, Contemporary Romance

Kiss. Marry. Kill. Nineteen-year-old June Eyermann has always known exactly which of her favorite Byronic heroes goes where. She’d kiss moody and possessive Rochester from Jane Eyre and marry prideful but repentant Darcy from Pride and Prejudice, leaving obsessive and spiteful Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights to be chucked off a cliff—but no. She couldn’t leave any of her heroes behind. She lives for her favorite fictional worlds.

But June is about to get a serious wake up call when she returns home for the summer after her college freshman year. Stuck somewhere between feeling like a kid again under her parents’ roof and being forced to start acting like an adult with worries about her future career, June looks at the library volunteer position offered to her as a way to keep her sanity for the next few months before she can go back to school.

What June doesn’t expect to find at the library is her favorite romantic heroes brought to life—all in the same man. Obstinate, prideful and even a bit rude, Everett Rockford shouldn’t exactly be “dating material,” even if June’s heart rate accelerates whenever she’s near him. But after discovering his enigmatic past and witnessing a few fiery moments of tenderness, June can’t help but see Rochester, Darcy and even Heathcliff in Everett. If she’s going to make it through the summer without becoming a tragic heroine in her own story, she has to separate the man from the ideals of fiction in her head. Because if there’s one thing she knows about Byronic love stories, it’s that they don’t always end happily ever after.
  A Love for the Pages is definitely a contemporary romance, but it's so unlike other books in the New Adult genre that I've read. The inclusion and influence of so many great classics in this story made it something incredible for me. One of the first books I ever read was Jane Eyre when I was probably ten years too young for it at the time. Regardless, I loved that book. Over the years, I've returned to it many times. I fully hold it responsible for fueling my love of classics. A Love for the Pages is able to intertwine the feel of those great classics with a romantic contemporary.

  I really liked the character of June. To see how she relates her life to the classics was something that made me bond with her immediately. I think a lot of readers who are fans of the classics will see a part of themselves in June and bond with her in the same way. The romance for June and Everett did seem a bit rushed and simplified, though. I would have enjoyed being able to see their love bloom slowly, but that's just personal preference. Everett was a good fit for the role of June's love interest, though.

  For a debut, Joy Penny has hit it out of the park with A Love for the Pages. She's able to recall the feel of the classics with her very own spin in a satisfying love story. This is a book that I could definitely see myself revisiting and that's a huge thing for me. I'm not keen on rereading, but A Love for the Pages is such a quick and enjoyable read that I can't resist. Fans of Austen, the Brontë sisters, and other classics will fall in love with A Love for the Pages!

**I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review with no compensation.

1. Describe A Love for the Pages in one word.
Homage. (It's an homage to three classic romantic novels.)

2. If you could choose any TV show to promote your book on, which would you choose?
Something on the BBC. Graham Norton? Because I devour BBC historical miniseries like June does in my book, and those wouldn't be a good place to promote the book, but something on the same channel might help.

3. Which scene of A Love for the Pages was your favorite to write?
The scene that matches the cover image. (And yes, I found the cover image before I wrote that scene!) It's the most passionate scene in the book and seems to be a hit with readers so far.

4. Which scene of A Love for the Pages was your least favorite to write?
I don't want to spoil too much, but it involves Sinjin, a secondary character. It's his last scene in the book. I wound up liking him a lot more than I expected, and I've even had requests to write a sequel about him.

5. Which author(s) do you draw the most inspiration from?
Although I'm writing in the contemporary genre, the entire reason I wrote this book was because of Jane Austen and the Brontë sisters. I love how they craft romantic stories. Especially Austen, whose books are full of humor.

6. You can only read one book (that isn't one of yours) for the rest of your life. Which is it?
Wow, that's a hard one! I'm a huge fan of some pretty popular books (Harry Potter, Hunger Games, etc.), but if I could have only one, I'd have to go with Jane Eyre.

7. Give us a brief glimpse at your writing process. Do you outline and think ahead? Or do you just write as the story comes to you?
I used to "pants," which is code for writing by the seat of your pants. I successfully wrote one book like that. Then I finished almost all of a second book only to get stuck at the end because I didn't plan ahead. So I vowed to outline for every book after that and it seems to be working well so far. I usually run with an opening scene and write a chapter or two without an outline. Then I put it aside and write an outline and character profiles. I usually wind up changing the outline as I write and come up with different ideas, but it's always good to have that outline there for when I need it.

8. Lastly, what's up next for you? Any projects we should be looking out for?
I'm currently working on a NA superheroine story that's part comedy, part romance. (And just a little bit action.) I'm hoping to have it published by the end of the year, but I'm not sure it'll be ready by then. Even though A Love for the Pages was supposed to be a standalone, I've had enough requests to write a sequel (and I also have the desire to write Sinjin's story myself) that that may be the project I work on after that.

There are few things I enjoy more than reading and writing. I’m eager to share my debut new adult contemporary romance novel, A Love for the Pages, with my fellow readers.

Joy Penny is a pen name. I also write in other genres, particularly YA.


Happy Release Day to Twisted Reflections by Shay West!

  I'm so excited to be celebrating the release day of Twisted Reflections by Shay West on Pretty Little Pages today! Twisted Reflections is the sequel to Dangerous Reflections. I had Shay on as one of my Pretty Little Indies. You can read my review of Dangerous Reflections and Shay's interview here.

Twisted Reflections by Shay West
(Adventures of Alexis Davenport Book 2)

Genres: Young Adult, Fantasy

Alexis Davenport is learning to come to grips with her ability to travel through time but she still hasn’t been
able to stop the evil Drifter, and his Master, from trying to alter the past.

When she travels back to ancient Egypt, Alex gets a most unexpected surprise; she meets someone who can help her figure out how to use her powers, another Traveler like herself.

But can Alex learn how to control her gift before Drifter finds a way to stop her from meddling in his Master’s plans?

Shay West was born in Longmont, CO and earned a doctorate degree in Human Medical Genetics from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical. Dr. West currently lives in Grand Junction, CO with her two cats. When not writing novels, she plays with plushie microbes and teaches biology classes at Colorado Mesa University. She is the author of the Portals of Destiny series and the Adventures of Alexis Davenport series. She has also been published in several anthologies: Battlespace (military scifi), Orange Karen: Tribute to a Warrior (fundraiser), and Ancient New (steampunk/fantasy).


Review: Come Back to Me by Mila Gray

Come Back to Me by Mila Gray

Genres: New Adult, Contemporary Romance

Home on leave in sunny California, Marine and local
lothario Kit Ryan finds himself dangerously drawn to
his best friend's sister, Jessa - the one girl he can't have.

But Kit's not about to let a few obstacles stand in his way and soon Jessa's falling for his irresistible charms.

What starts out as a summer romance of secret hook-ups and magical first times quickly develops into a passionate love affair that turns both their worlds upside down.

When summer's over and it's time for Kit to redeploy, neither Kit nor Jessa are ready to say goodbye. Jessa's finally following her dreams and Kit's discovered there's someone he'd sacrifice everything for.

Jessa's prepared to wait for Kit no matter what. But when something more than distance and time rips them apart they're forced to decide whether what they have is really worth fighting for.

A breathtaking, scorchingly hot story about love, friendship, family and finding your way back from the edge of heartbreak.
 The Good
  • Healthy relationship
  • Amazing main character
  • Flawless writing
The Bad
  • Nothing!
The Gif

  From the very beginning of Come Back to Me, I was hooked. The opening is absolutely heartbreaking and immediately got me invested in the story of Jessa. Too many times, I feel like New Adult books are recycled plots with different characters. Come Back to Me was unlike anything else from the NA genre I've read, and I think all of the credit goes to Mila Gray's writing. She was able to tell a tale that sucker punched me right in the feels and still make me care about it and race towards the finish. That's devious talent, y'all.

  There are a handful of characters in this story that are essential and they are all so different. Even though there are some that I disliked, I loved to dislike them. Jessa's Dad is overbearing and rude, but he fits his role perfectly. I felt for Jessa and had sort of a kindred spirit thing going on with her. She was the perfect heroine for this story. I absolutely adored her and rooted for her fiercely.

  Can I preach? This may sound like preaching. Forgive me. The real reason why I struggle with New Adult are the amount of unhealthy and abusive relationships that are portrayed as romantic and sexy. It ain't cute. Mila Gray absolutely dismissed that. The main thing that made me LOVE Come Back to Me was that it showcases a healthy, happy relationship. There are so many ways to portray a relationship, and it's absolutely disheartening to see unhealthy and abusive relationships take the stage with NA. Whenever you've been in one of those relationships, it isn't sexy. It's hell. Thank you Come Back to Me for proving the point that sweet and healthy can be sexy!

  All in all, I wish there were more books like Come Back to Me. I can only cross my fingers hope that Mila Gray will contribute more to the genre of New Adult. I will be the first in line to pick up anything NA she writes. If you're looking for a break from the drama and cliches, do yourself a favor and read this book!

**I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review with no compensation.

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