Happy Halloween! Today's Indie Fall Fest author is the amazing Rae Hachton!
Don't forget to stop by the kick-off post and enter the huge giveaway!
Over on Kira Adams' blog today, she's featuring T.C. McKee!
by Rae Hachton
When I decided to create this musical playlist post, I was like Oh Yeah, I'm totally gonna bring the creepy. But then....I realized, Yeah...only one problem with that.I almost forgot that it's Halloween and not Valentine's Day. Sometimes I get those two confused. Most of my music is Death + Love themed (just like my books) but I suppose Halloween can be for Lovers too.
I chose a total of 12 songs from my music collection. I had plenty to choose from, but I selected the ones that currently appear on my book soundtracks.
This is one of the most gorgeous songs I've ever heard in my life. You must go listen to it. From what I understand, a woman is singing about how a vampire shows up at her wedding and pulls her away from it, hypnotizes her, takes her with him, and makes her immortal. She's so entranced by him that I don't think she understands what's really happening.
I carry a mandrake in my bouquet
And I shiver when it screams
A Mandrake is a plant from the Nightshade family, rumored to scream when it's pulled from the ground. Which, in this song basically means, she is the one screaming (is she so entranced that she doesn't know it though?) as he's biting her. It's like her mind is in two places at once. She's able to narrate (sing about) what's happening to her from a detached point-of-view.
If the Mandrake was already in her bouquet, it wouldn't be screaming, as it already would've when it was pulled from the ground.
Oh, I feel it being drawn out
The blood flowing steadily into your mouth
I would dance at my wedding to this song.
This song is definitely on the Evermore (Pretty in Black #4) Soundtrack.
Sank my teeth in your porcelain skin
I'm home again, alive in you.
Yes, Please.
D Composure is an amazing band (who needs to finish their Blood Songs so I can get them already!) and they are my new MUSE (The band and my invisible inspiration). Seriously, listen to them. They sound sorta like MUSE. Almost all of their songs appear on the Evermore soundtrack because of that.
This song is available for FREE (legal) download on their website, by them, if you follow the link.
You're probably already familiar with this song. I used to be a fan of MM when I was a teen, but not so much anymore. But this song is still one of the ones I like. Why? Because...vampires. And because a vampire and a human have their faces pressed to each other in a tomb somewhere early Christmas morning. SO. MUCH. YES.
This song is on the Eternally soundtrack and it was the one which inspired the series. I'm not going to quote lyrics because the song is made of only two paragraphs which repeat in intervals, but it's basically about two people dying together, and then realizing they aren't really dead at all, and now they're zombies and are going to be together forever, well...until they decay, that is.
Another Zombie favorite—a girl sings about being a zombie and how she's alone and no one loves her. She promises the guy (who hasn't appeared yet) that she'll love him forever and take care of him if he'll just love her for what she is. I dig it.
A zombie guy lamenting his grotesque love for the girl he's with, and talking about how he's a zombie...for her...
Wait...that's wrong. I don't even think it's a love song at all. He's talking about how he's decaying. (But it sounds like one though.)
This is my favorite song, and incidentally, it is Heath's favorite song too. If you don't know who Heath is, he's the character (and narrator) of my new book Eternally. This song is on the soundtrack and also inspired the book.
There are a few different covers of this song, originally by The Blue Oyster Cult, but I prefer HIM's version of it way better than all the rest.
It's a Love Song. About Dying. Go figure, huh?
This song is mostly instrumental, but it sounds really cool. And I like it.
We can't go without mentioning Classic Love Poetry from Edgar Allan Poe and Oscar Wilde, now can we? But instead of reading it, you can now Listen to it. Also check out William Control's other music. Because WC=Awesome.
Now, to put the tombstone on the grave, (or not!) these last two songs are about someone dying and their lover simply not accepting death as the end of their romantic relationship. So, yeah. The solution? To dig up the body and have them anyway, or stay in a relationship with them even though they are dead, and refuse to accept that they're gone.
The first song is sung by a female, the last one by a male. More sadly so, the last song is based on true events, from what I gather. His girlfriend died and he never got over her. All of the songs he made are for her and about her.
I relate to his story, (in ways I wish I couldn't) and feel his pain. Maybe one day I'll talk about that.
(This one is more gorgeous. I love Electric Corpse.)
And yes, I did say these two songs are on my book soundtracks.
So you know what that means.
Look out for another creepy book in the future along the same theme.
Ellie and Marcus are making out in a cemetery on a grave.
Pretty in Black
Heath and Catherine are trying not to get ran over by a hearse and die.
And Johnny is battling against himself not to eat Francesca's Heart.
Frankie's Monster

I haven’t mentally cast all of the characters because I still can’t get over how perfect Stacey Farber (from Degrassi) and Ben Barnes (Dorian Gray/Narnia) would be for the leading roles of Eleanor Piper and Marcus Marble from Pretty in Black. If it ever did become a movie, those two would be my choices. They are incredible actors and Stacey Farber is exactly how I picture Eleanor, attitude, looks, and all.
Writes Dark Romanticism-sometimes with gears and clockwork. Has cemetery obsession. Misses Victorian London and ancient Rome. Believes in vampires and magic. If imaginary, she would be an automaton fairy. Corvidophile. Content.
"My Primary goal is to Scare you/Haunt you, but make you fall in love at the same time. I'm a Monster Lover who writes Dark Fantasy and Gritty Contemporary. Also a believer in dark and twisted fairytales and Scarily-Ever Afters."