Welcome to Month9Books Birthday Bash! We’re so excited you’re all stopping by!
This is going to be an awesome event with many tour stops featuring our authors! The full schedule is below and make sure to stick around for the EPIC Giveaway taking place!

“Month9Books is turning 2 this year and I could not be happier. We are living proof that if you have a dream to write, create and inspire, you should follow that dream and let nothing keep you from realizing it. Thank you to all the readers, writers, agents, partners and friends who have made this possible. We write for you.
--Georgia McBride, Publisher and Owner of Month9Books”
While all of the posts are from our authors that have books out already we also want to look forward to some of the 2015 titles we can’t wait to share with you!
Here’s a slide show of some our 2015 books!
We have a ton of sequels coming as well as new books from awesome debut authors and we’re so excited to share them all with you! We have something for everyine from every genre from Sci-Fi to Fantasy to Paranormal and Horror!
A Whispered Darkness
by Vanessa Barger
Release Date: August 26, 2014
Pages: 300
Publisher: Month9Books
Formats: Paperback, eBook
When Claire Mallory's father leaves, her mom moves
them to a new town and into a dilapidated Victorian
house. The old house creaks and whistles, and smells . . . well, like it's been abandoned for years. But as the nights grow longer and the shadows take on substance, Claire wonders if the strange sounds and occurrences might be more than the house showing its age. Just as things start to pick up in Claire's love life, her mother becomes possessed. In an attempt to save her mother and their new home, Claire enlists the help of two boys, each of whom is interested in Claire for very different reasons. As she chooses one boy over the other, something dangerous is unleashed, and the spirits make their move. They aren’t content to moan and scream inside Claire’s house, or even control her mom. They want a taste of freedom, and they'll use Claire to get it. But is Claire strong enough to fight off the evil spirits, or will they claim her and her mom before it's all over?
What I Wish I Would Have Known Before Becoming an Author
by Vanessa Barger
Hello! Thank you for hosting me today and Happy Birthday to Month9Books!
I was asked for this guest blog to write about what I wish I would have known before becoming an author. At first I thought this would be a piece of cake. Then I really thought about it and realized that this is a little more involved than I thought.
First, I’ve been writing stories all my life. Mostly, they were for just me. They were fun. They could have anything I wanted in them. They could (and were) melodramatic and silly and I enjoyed them. And then I decided I wanted to be an author.
I had visions of a great life where I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning, bent over my keyboard and tapping furiously at the keys while sipping tea and eating chocolate. (I was also skinny and gorgeous, despite that) Then I would wake up and go to a book signing with adoring fans and lunch with my publisher or agent.
Reality isn’t quite so glamorous. So here’s my list of what I wish I’d known:
- The chocolate still has calories. Never forget that. Lol.
- You will still probably be up until the wee hours writing (or getting up in them to write), but it will be because you will have a day job to pay the bills.
- Once you get published, there’s MORE work, not less. Blog posts, emails, contacts with appearances (if you have any), and new books.
- You have DEADLINES and publishers mean for you to keep them. Writing for fun means you can write a paragraph or twelve pages, whatever you feel like, and then wander off for an hour, three, or a few days. When you have a deadline, you have to sit down and get it done. You can’t do whatever you feel like until you have your editing/word count/etc done for the day.
- Its hard to put yourself out there. Even when you get used to the rejection letters, get an agent, or whatever, rejections hurt. You just have to brush yourself off and try again.
- You will still have moments where you feel inadequate. Every writer does. I think it is the nature of the beast. You spend a lot of time alone, with the characters in your head. Its easy for doubt to creep in. Ignore it. As long as writing makes you happy, you’re okay.
- You will probably not strike it rich. Throw out that theory now. Most authors will never be able to quit their dayjob. Maybe you’ll strike it rich – and that’s great! But don’t count on it. Do it because you love it, not because you expect to be a millionaire.
- You will meet amazing people. One of the best parts of being an author is that you are suddenly part of a club you didn’t even know existed, and all the members are pretty fabulous. They are supportive, and they love to write and read. Make friends. Enjoy it! Enjoy your readers too – they are also an amazing bunch, and they love your work almost as much as you do!
There are probably more things. But why destroy all the mystery, right?
Vanessa Barger was born in West Virginia, and after several moves ended up spending the majority of her life in Virginia Beach, Virginia. She is a graduate of George Mason University and Old Dominion University, and has degrees in Graphic Design, a minor in Medieval and Renaissance Literature, and a Masters in Technology Education. She has had articles published in Altered Arts Magazine, has had some artwork displayed in galleries in Ohio and online, and currently teaches engineering, practical physics, drafting and other technological things to high school students in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia. She is a member of the SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators) and the Virginia Writer’s Club. When not writing or teaching, she’s a bookaholic, movie fanatic, and loves to travel. She has one cat, who believes Vanessa lives only to open cat food cans, and can often be found baking when she should be editing.
Happy Celebrations!!!
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