
Feature & Follow #1

The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee’s View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it’ll allow us to show off more new blogs!

If you could read a book for the "first time" again, which book would it be? Why?
  I wanted to say Harry Potter. Getting to visit Hogwarts again for the first time would be amazing. But ultimately, I'd want to read Lord of the Rings again for the first time. I've always been a bookworm since I can remember, but reading the Lord of the Rings sparked something inside of me. 

  I would give nearly anything to be taken back to my first moments discovering Rivendell and meeting Strider for the first time in the Prancing Pony. Aragorn is my only book boyfriend. Even though he was left out of the movies, Tom Bombadill will always hold a place in my heart as a favorite character. Discovering all of Middle Earth with a band of mismatched heroes is the highlight of my reading experiences. 
  Tolkien is the be all, end all for me in the literary world. Since I discovered Lord of the Rings, I've been searching high and low for more of his work. As I'm drawing to a close on reading all of his stories, it comes with a sad realization that I will never get to experience the rush of being introduced to another work of his for the first time. I am truly envious of those who have not read his work before and get the chance to do so. At the risk of sounding like Billy Madison, cherish it.

What about you? Which literary world of wonder would you chose to experience again for the first time?


  1. I haven't started reading the LOTR series yet, but I have read The Hobbit and I really enjoyed it! So i need to get on that lol

    New Follower via GFC! :)

    My FF: Isabelle's Book Reviews

  2. I love LOTR as well! Thanks for stopping by and following. Now following via bloglovin. Happy Friday!
    ~Pam @ Moonlight Reader

  3. Awesome choice. I've never read the LOTR series a second time, but I love how epic they are.

    New GFC Follower

    Kat @ Books Are Bread

  4. Great choice! Happy #FF! Hope you are having a great Friday! I'm a new follower via GFC. Make sure you drop by my other site the Book Blogger List (http://bookbloggerlist.com) and sign up your blog!

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Thanks for following my blog. I return the favour! Congrats on your first F&FF!

  6. I've not finished HP yet. I just can't go on when I know that Harry and Hermione didn't end up together =( And great choice, TLOTR = perfection =)
    Thanks for stopping by and I'm following back.
    Have a great weeknd.

  7. I actually haven't read neither HP nor LotR yet o.O

    Thanks for stopping by earlier :) Happy reading.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  8. Cool pick! Love the GIFs! :) I wish I could read HP for the "first time" again too!
    Thanks for stopping by and for the follow! New GFC follower.
    Have a great weekend!
    Julia @ Book Bindings Blog

  9. I absolutely adore the Lord of the Rings series and I do wish I could read it again for the first time sometimes. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  10. Thanks for dropping by our blog!
    Old follower via bloglovin and new follower via gfc :)

  11. I am slightly ashamed to say that I never read the Lord of the Rings trilogy... But I did read the Hobbit and loved it, if that redeems me at all ;) Thanks for stopping by and following!

    New Bloglovin' Follower
    Zareena @ Books and Books

  12. Praise this post!
    I totally agree with you.
    I'm a total Tolkien myself. I enjoyed LOTR, but The Hobbit is my favorite. I actually collect copies of them. I have ten different covers. My husband makes fun of me.
    It's so refreshing to meet another Tolkien Nerd!!
    Also, welcome to Feature & Follow Friday! See you next week!

    - Elizabeth @ Redhead Reader.

  13. Great pick, I LOVE the films and really need to hurry up and read the books. Trust me, when I do I will definitely cherish it :) New Bloglovin' & GFC follower. My F&F Friday.

  14. I've never read Lord of the Rings. ): I'm kind of nervous because I've never been huge on Fantasy but I really want to try!

  15. New follower via gfc!

    I've never read the lord of the rings! But if I could reread a book, it would be the hunger games!

    xo, Becca
    Pivot Book Reviews FF

  16. thanks for stopping by my blog, I have not read Lord of the Rings yet. Following you back via GFC and bloglovin' I hope you have a fab day! :)

  17. Same choice! I wanted to go for HP but I figured most are going to choose that so I went to the high fantasy genre and pow! LOTR. It was sad that they didn't include Tom Bombadil in the movies.

    Thanks for stopping by and following.
    Following via GFC.

  18. Wonderful choice! It was my choice too and it's lovely to meet a fellow Tolkien fan! Thanks for stopping by my blog xx

    Thea @ Gizzimomo's Book Shelf

  19. My husband would very much approve your choice, those are his faves as well. I haven't actually read them yet, thanks for stopping by my blog!

    New follower via GFC and bloglovin'

  20. This is the second one I have seen so far. I really need to pick up the series. I am so intimidated by it though that I am scared. I need to bite the bullet and give it a shot though!

    New Bloglovin follower!

    Amber @ Paradise of Pages

  21. I love Lord of the Rings!!! I have all the swords in my theater room... and I even own Aragorn's crown!!! WOOT WOOT!!

    Angela's Anxious Life

  22. I have a small fear of this series because it's long and also very strange. I loved the movies but am holding off on the books... I'm more prone to reading it now though because so many people are saying it's one of their favorites.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    New follower!

  23. I really need to read these books. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I followed back via Bloglovin.
    Brittany @ Spare Time Book blog

  24. I must be the only person left who hasn't read Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter. Lol. Thanks for stopping by following back via GFC.

  25. I feel ya. I haven't read LOTR since high school, but I grew up going to bed with stories of Frodo and the One Ring. I don' t think there's any way for me to get a fresh perspective now, but I always enjoy re-visiting Middle Earth. Great choice! Have a nice weekend! :D

    My FF

  26. Welcome to the hop! I never made it through the LOTR series *hides* But I did love HP too ;) New bloglovin follower. Happy Friday!

  27. I love the Hobbit and LOTR series..Gr8 choice..
    Thanks for stopping by earlier..:)
    Followed you via GFC
    Here is my FF Nikita @ Njkinny's World of Books

  28. I wanted to say Harry Potter, too!! But I ultimately went with another well-loved book :) Great pick, and I'm a new follower,
    Ninja Girl

  29. Need to try the Lord Of The Rings, followed you back on GFC! :)

    My FF: http://www.tashbrilliantbookblog.blogspot.co.uk/2014/02/ff-1.html

  30. Your gifs cracked me up : ) Great book choice! I hate to admit I haven't made it through the books yet, but I'm hoping someday, it will happen. Thanks for stopping by my blog and following! I got you back on GFC and BL.

  31. I love Lord of the Rings, but Harry Potter beats it for me. I couldn't say why in just a few words, though. :) Thanks for stopping by my my FF! New GFCand Bloglovin' follower!

  32. Love that gif hehe ^__^ I haven't read the books yet but I have seen and re-watched the movies and I believe the epic-ness of the movies are magnified in the books.

    Thanks for sharing and for dropping by My FF post earlier :) New follower via bloglovin'.

  33. New GFC follower! Thanks for stopping by my blog! You are the second I've seen to pick this series. So, I have def moved it up on my TBR list. I love the movies and I am interested in seeing the differences.

  34. LOTR really is alone (IMHO) as the greatest epic fantasy (i.e. quests, armies, magic, monsters). Great choice. New follower via bloglovin'. My FF

  35. Experiencing HP for the first time again would be magic, haha, pun intended. :) I haven't read LOTR yet but am looking forward to the experience!
    New follower by Bloglovin' and GFC :)
    My FF @ Donnie Darko Girl

  36. I haven't read LOTR yet, but plan to read it soon! :)

    New Bloglovin follower.

    Thanks for stopping by :)

  37. Hi!
    Im catching up on all my FF's from last week as I was in midterm week, but thank you for stopping by! I've followed back via GFC and Bloglovin :)


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